The President of the Constitutional Court revealed that the court is an organization that must maintain confidentiality.

Internal Affairs

The President of the Constitutional Court admitted that the news reports of the media have an effect on the decision of the judges of the court, indicating that some things can be discussed and some cannot be discussed because the court is an organization that must maintain secrets, which overlaps with national security. He explained the reason for considering 3 important political cases on June 18, which is not complicated, but only some judges are busy.

Reporters reported that the Constitutional Court organized the project “Constitutional Court meets the media in 2024”, a seminar on: Communicating the (Court) Constitution to the public, with Mr. Nakarin Mektrairat, President of the Constitutional Court, giving a special lecture on “The Role of the Media in the Digital Information Society”, acknowledging that the current political situation of the media has an impact on the decision of the Constitutional Court judges, to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the discretion of each individual. Currently,
it is a society of freedom, the media has the right and freedom to present news, so let’s divide the media into 3 groups. The first group is the media that is owned, which may not be an organization or agency, because everyone has their own communication channels, even though in principle it should be an organization that owns the media. However, these agencies have difficulty adapting and cannot communicate information as much as they should for society to understand as much as they should, because some things can be said, some things cannot be said.

Mr. Nakarin recounted the event of the meeting of the Constitutional Court judges who set the date for consideration of 3 important political cases on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, which may be different from the usual meeting on Wednesday because some judges had other engagements, nothing mysterious or complicated. One judge proposed whether to explain the reasons to the media or not, but the meeting agreed that there was no opinion on this matter and that this duty
should be the duty of the Constitutional Court Office, but there was a problem with the officials regarding which matters should be discussed or which matters should not be discussed.

Mr. Nakarin added that the second group is the group that is hired. They will present news that is different from normal news. The third group is the group that comes from trust, which is considered the most reliable media group. If the organization presents news without being hired, it is considered something desirable. Therefore, I would like to invite you to think that in the digital age, news reporting by the media may cause divisions in society. How can we control each other? It may be in the form of warning each other or senior reporters warning juniors not to be too negligent. Therefore, the matter of ethics is for ordinary individuals. What should be said and what should not be said? Every matter must be considered appropriate, moderate, and reasonable. Do not be extreme. Stay in balance. It is not necessary to reveal e
very matter. Some matters need to be kept secret. For example, the court is an organization that must live with secrets. It is related to the security, political safety, and economics of the country. It must be in moderation.

‘The court is an organization that is in the midst of secrets. Some matters cannot be revealed. The court cannot reveal everything. It must be in moderation. Do not go to extremes between transparency and accountability and secrets that will cause damage and national security,’ said Mr. Nakarin.-319.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency