The “opposition” did not rule out the opportunity for a general censure debate without a vote on the cabinet of “Prime Minister Yingluck”.

Internal Affairs

“Opposition” does not rule out general censure motion, no cabinet vote, “Prime Minister Yingluck” has not set a time, asks to see the situation first, “Pakornwut” confirms “People’s Party” has no orders, points out that the stage for policy debate – no confidence is different.

Mr. Pakornwut Udompipatsakul, MP for the Prachachon Party and Chief Whip of the Opposition, gave an interview about the general debate under Section 152, saying that it still exists. We have not ruled out that opportunity. However, the debate period is not limited to this session because the debate quota starts from 1 year of the session. Therefore, the next session starting from the end of this year will still be considered the same quota. We have not ruled out this opportunity yet. We will have to look at the situation. We understand that if a disaster occurs, we would like the government to solve the problem first. When the time is right, we can open the debate. We have not locked it in for a certain time, but we will look at the s
ituation and the appropriate time.

When asked whether the factors of the debate submission would be similar to the government of Mr. Settha Thavisin, which was a debate without a vote, Mr. Pakornwut said that whether there will be a debate without a vote or a no-confidence motion, the most important thing is the information, whether it will lead to a no-confidence motion or not. We will focus on the content as the main principle.

When asked about the information, the opposition was criticized for not doing their job seriously when compared to the time of General Prayut Chan-o-cha, former Prime Minister, Mr. Pakornwut said that if compared 1 to 1 between the times of General Prayut, Mr. Settha, and Ms. Paethongtarn Shinawatra, the Prime Minister, we had more content for the debate. He thought that we should not compare the policy debate with the no-confidence debate because they are on different levels. Let’s wait and see if there is a no-confidence debate.

When asked again whether the People’s Party had an
y orders prohibiting them from talking about certain matters, such as the issue of influence, Mr. Pakornwut confirmed that there were no orders. In fact, if you listen carefully, there are many people talking about influence. The other side may not have noticed. However, he confirmed that there were no orders from this side. However, there may have been orders from that side that did not allow us to talk about certain individuals.

When asked about the progress of the opposition leader nomination, Mr. Pakornwut stated that he had been informed that the nomination had already been made. It would probably take some time.

Source: Thai News Agency