The government does not yet have a policy to amend the Bank of Thailand Act.

Internal Affairs

Government House, “Phaopoom” confirms that there is no policy to amend the Bank of Thailand’s laws – transferring FIDF money. Prepare to discuss with the Finance Minister. The BoT views the inflation target of 1-3% as appropriate, but must be within the range.

Mr. Paophum Rojanasakul, Deputy Minister of Finance Discussing the trend of amending the Bank of Thailand Act, he said that the government still has no idea about this matter. As for the matter of revising the debt that is in the Financial Institutions Recovery Fund (FIDF) into the account of the Bank of Thailand (BoT), the government has no idea about this either.

When asked if in the future there are any plans to proceed with this matter or not. Deputy Minister of Finance said that this matter may need to be discussed again regarding the future situation. But right now the government has no idea about this. There’s only news coming out. But we haven’t discussed it yet. As for the suitability, we must discuss.

When asked about the guidelines for wo
rking with the BoT. Mr. Paophum said he would discuss with Mr. Pichai Chunhavajira, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, about finding more channels to talk with the BoT. Which will probably make an appointment at a time

As for the inflation target set at 1-3% per year, will it need to be reviewed? The Deputy Minister of Finance said that he needs to discuss with the BoT but sees that the 1-3% range is not a problem. The problem is that inflation is out of range. Not being within the target for a long period of time may affect the economy in the long run. We have to talk about how to bring inflation back within the framework.

Source: Thai News Agency