The Election Commission joins with 4 agencies to create a correct understanding of democracy.

Internal Affairs

Centara Hotel, The Election Commission joins forces with 4 agencies to create a correct understanding of democratic governance. “Itthiphon” points out that current politics need to be accelerated and integrated into the national agenda.

Mr. Itthiphon Boonprakong, Chairman of the Election Commission Chaired the opening meeting of the integration and cooperation network for the promotion of democracy. and witness Signing of cooperation to integrate public sector networks to promote the democratic way between Office of the Election Commission and the Lawyers Council under Royal Patronage Community Organization Council Children and Youth Council of Thailand Youth Election Observation Network for Democracy (We watch)

Mr. Itthiphon said at the opening of the event that This meeting is one of the important missions of the Election Commission according to the Election Commission Act 2017, Section 22 (5), which stipulates that the Election Commission has the duty and authority to promote Support government agencies
educational institution and private organizations To create correct knowledge and understanding for the people about democratic government with the King as Head of State. People’s political participation or allowing people to participate in election monitoring and have correct knowledge about the constitution To enable the people to freely exercise their voting rights. free from domination and taking into account the interests of the country as important

In this regard, the Election Commission is aware that The current political situation needs to be urgently resolved by creating correct knowledge and understanding about democratic governance with the King as Head of State. Therefore, we have promoted, supported and integrated cooperation with government agencies. educational institution and civil society organizations To create correct knowledge and understanding for the people about democratic government with the King as Head of State. A memorandum of understanding (MOU) has been prepared at the policy lev
el to strengthen citizenship. Quality and correct understanding of democratic governance with the King as Head of State. This leads to setting goals in pushing forward the educational guidelines to create quality citizens. It’s a national agenda.

It is hoped that the office The Election Commission will have a plan to integrate cooperation with Network of government agencies, the public sector, and private organizations In order to drive the issue forward in a concrete way. Therefore, we request that this meeting be a gathering of strength and expressing a common intention to drive the creation of correct knowledge and understanding about Democratic governance with the King as Head of State in order to lay the foundation for a stable and sustainable democracy.

Source: Thai News Agency