The Election Commission is concerned about deciding the qualifications of media shareholders.

Internal Affairs

Election Commission Office, Election Commission opens training to provide knowledge about Senate elections. Concern for determining qualifications and prohibited characteristics of applicants Especially the matter of holding media shares. Order to adhere to the decision of the Constitutional Court as the norm.

Mr. Pakorn Mahannop, Election Commission member, spoke at a meeting to educate the media on the Senate election. that there is a problem of concern from the executives that they would like to pass on to the operations department of the Election Commission and those involved which is important is to apply to be elected as a senator The first important point is whether the applicants will be in the 20 groups or not, and which group they will be in. This is a great difficulty for district level officials. which has the district chief as the chairman and secretary at the district level The secretary is an Election Commission employee or a district civil servant.

‘Those involved are coordinating that How
to make this work at the district level? It is the same approach, for example: 1. Suppose that when someone applies and that person claims to be in group 10 and has complete evidence, how can district level committee members in Nakhon Ratchasima Province, which has 32 districts, act in the same way and be able to act in the same way both? with the district in Songkhla province District in Ubon Ratchathani Province Districts in Chiang Mai province, with over 900 districts across the country, the key players are the district chief, secretary, and committee members who must jointly decide whether the applicant is truly in that group or not,’ Mr. Pakorn said.

Mr. Pakorn said 2. How to check the qualifications and prohibited characteristics of those who will apply? It is expected that there will be tens of thousands of applicants, with over 900 districts, 20 groups per district, totaling over 18,000 groups. If there are only 5-10 applicants per group, the total number will be 100,000 people, more than a large num
ber of MP applicants. Property verification Forbidden characteristics. How can I check them quickly? Because there are only 5-7 days, but when thinking about the number of applicants, the important engine is the district chief and the district level committee. If any district or province, the Election Commission employee does not become a secretary. In reality, all Election Commission employees cannot become secretaries. For example, in the case of Nakhon Ratchasima province, there are 32 districts and there are less than 10 Election Commission employees who can act as secretaries. This is a problem and obstacle. The district committee, chaired by the district chief, must decide on qualifications and prohibited characteristics. Which must come to see if he has ever committed an offense or not. Have you ever been imprisoned? What is the nature of the prison sentence? It is a very complicated legal matter.

‘What is more complicated, like what is in the news all the time, is whether or not you own or hold share
s in a media business. The district level committee must complete the decision within 7 days for all parts related to the Election Commission. with the Registrar’s Office, trying to work together to work on this point The Election Commission approves over 20 million baht for the Central Registration Office as an emergency. For the Registrar’s Office to quickly consider the application to check the registration number, domicile, and various related parts of the registration. But what is the problem is Have they ever been convicted? Have you ever committed an offense related to the specified qualifications and prohibited characteristics? Do you own media shares? We are working urgently to request cooperation from the prison. Courts all over the country various registrar offices to request this information So that the diagnosis of qualifications and prohibited characteristics of Senate candidates does not cause problems,’ Mr. Pakorn said.

Mr. Pakorn said that although there are problems in interpretation, we ar
e allowing our legal department to treat the decision as final as the Constitutional Court issued an official decision last week. To solve this problem, we have treated it in the same manner throughout the country in more than 900 districts. This is an urgent problem that we are working on quickly. I would like to leave this message to practitioners in every province across the country with concern that whatever they do must adhere to the law. The main rules are various steps and time periods. These are important things and must be strictly followed. In order to complete this work Those who will apply to be elected as senators. Accept, do not argue or object.

Source: Thai News Agency