The death of “Chalong Phakdiwichit”, a national artist


Mourning for “Chalong Phakdiwichit”, a national artist who passed away peacefully at the age of 93, ending the legend of mountain bombing and hut burning.

Mr. Prasop Riangngen, Director-General of the Department of Cultural Promotion (DCP), revealed that Mr. Boonchalong Pakdeevijit, National Artist in Performing Arts (Director-Producer of Films and TV Dramas) 2013, passed away peacefully on Friday, September 13, 2024, at the age of 93, at Ramathibodi Hospital at approximately 3:30 p.m. Ms. Boonchira Tririya (Phakdeevijit), his daughter, reported that they are currently awaiting the official results of the death diagnosis. The Department of Cultural Promotion will announce the schedule for the water pouring ceremony and the chanting of the Abhidhamma later when the heirs have received information.

The Director-General of the Ministry of Culture also revealed that the Department of Cultural Promotion, as the agency that honors and praises national artists and publicizes their work, in the event of a national
artist’s death, they will receive welfare assistance in accordance with the Ministerial Regulations on the fields, qualifications, criteria and methods of selection, and benefits of national artists 2012, as follows: financial assistance upon death for funeral rites of 20,000 baht, funeral expenses of 3,000 baht, and expenses for making a book to publicize the work upon death, not exceeding 150,000 baht.

For the history of Mr. Boonchalong Phakdiwichit or Chalong Phakdiwichit, he is currently 93 years old. He was born on March 18, 1931 in Bangkok. His father’s name is Mr. Phut Phakdiwichit, a civil servant. His mother’s name is Mrs. Linchi Phakdiwichit, a housewife. He completed his second year of university preparatory education at Amnuay Silpa School.

Mr. Chalong Pakdeevijit entered the film industry inspired by his father who was a film producer and his uncle who was a photographer and director. It was in his blood automatically. At the age of 19, he became a cinematographer and filmed his first film, Sae
n Saep, based on the novel by Mai Muang Derm. After that, he studied the filmmaking process and various techniques by himself from a manual compiling the filmmaking process in the United States. He developed filmmaking gradually, without stopping, until he achieved the highest success in filmmaking. He received the Golden Doll Award, Phra Suraswadi, for two consecutive years as the best cinematographer for the films Phu Phichit Matju Rat and La-ong Dao. From his experience in filmmaking for many years, he changed to being a film director and producer. He directed his first film, Jao Inthra, starring Mitr Chaibancha and Pisamai Wilaisak. He later created many works. His famous works include Soi Dao Sao Duean, Fon Tai, Fon Nuea, Thong, Karaen Phayak Rai, Tat Liam Phet, etc.

Achalong is a person who is determined to bring Thai films to the international film market by bringing in international stars to act in the film industry until he succeeded and was accepted in the film industry worldwide. He entered the li
st of international film directors under the name of P.CHALONG. Chalong Pakdeevijit gives importance to filmmaking in every detail. He has imagination, dares to think, dares to do, and dares to invest, making the film Thong the legend of a director like Chalong Pakdeevijit. Later, he turned to work as a pioneer in action dramas on television, and his famous works are still famous today.

Achalong has made a name for himself as a film director. He has shot, produced and directed many films for over 63 years. He has also produced many quality personnel for the Thai film industry, which has led to him receiving many awards, such as the Pao Ting Award from the film Thong, for the most entertaining film from Taiwan, the Suphannahong Golden Award for his achievement in filmmaking from the National Film Association, and the Honorary Person of the Entertainment Industry Award from the Star Entertainment Awards. Mr. Boonchalong Phakdiwichit was thus honored as a National Artist in Performing Arts (Film and TV Drama Di
rector and Producer) in 2013.

Source: Thai News Agency