The crane collapse incident ended well. The results of the negotiations between the 3 parties resulted in 8 conclusions.


Rayong, A good ending to the crane collapse on workers. After labor protests chaotic Finally, we can conclude about the remedy. After the Deputy Governor of Rayong attended a meeting with all relevant parties.

A crane accident killed 7 workers in a factory in Rayong Province, but workers protested against removing the bodies. Until negotiations were concluded late yesterday night (March 29), the incident seemed to have been resolved. But today throughout the day there is still a movement of Myanmar labor groups. In the morning, they gathered in front of the factory office building. Demanding fairness regarding welfare payments There was also news that the employer was going to fire three workers, causing dissatisfaction. So they came out to rally. Along with smashing and destroying media vehicles in front of the factory entrance, one vehicle was damaged.

Later, Mr. Kamthorn Wehan, Deputy Governor of Rayong Province came into the factory and attend meetings with all relevant parties, namely representatives o
f companies and various agencies and relatives of deceased workers It took more than 3 hours to arrive at 8 conclusions and have Myanmar labor representatives explain to the labor group. Before setting up the press conference

As for the results of the negotiations, all 8 points, the first 2 points are the same as last night, namely 1. Compensation for the relatives of 7 deceased persons, 1,600,000 baht each, 500,000 baht each has been given in cash, remaining 1,100,000 baht, and 2. The employer is responsible for the expenses. All funeral arrangements

Points 3-5 are about welfare. On the employee’s side, there is a question about the social security contributions that the employer deducted from the employees. but did not deliver An employee has suffered the loss of a limb and has not received help. The employee submits documents for reimbursement of medical expenses to the employer. But still haven’t received help. All of this will be verified by the Social Security Office within 2 weeks.

As for item 6, in
the case of an employee’s passport Both sides agreed to keep it at the company. and will photocopy documents for employees When an employee leaves work, the employer will return everyone’s passports. Item 7: In the case of 3 employees who are suspicious that the employer will terminate them. Labor Welfare Office Will ensure that they receive benefits as required by law and Section 8: The employer agrees that they will treat Myanmar employees to receive rights according to labor protection laws.

After the negotiations are completed Myanmar labor groups cheered and were satisfied with the overall results of the negotiations. Meanwhile, the Deputy Governor of Rayong has urged all parties involved to expedite the process to complete the agreement quickly.

Source: Thai News Agency