The Comptroller General’s Department practices procurement for fiscal year 2024.


Comptroller General’s Department Rehearsal of government agencies Procurement after the 2024 Expenditure Act cannot come into effect on 1 Oct., rush government agencies to submit budget spending plans on 15 Sep.

Ms. Kulaya Tantitemit, Director-General of the Comptroller General’s Department, revealed that because the Budget Act for the year 2024 cannot be enforced in time for October 1, 2023, the Committee for Diagnosing Public Procurement and Supplies Management Problems. Practiced understanding of guidelines In the case of the fiscal year 674 expenditure budget not being enforced in time Therefore, the fiscal year 2023 budget framework must be used for the time being so that government agencies can complete their debt obligations and disburse funds within the fiscal year 2024 budget. Practice understanding and prepare for procurement, including:

1.The Budget Bureau determines that government agencies Prepare the necessary budget spending plan. or incurred debt obligations in the 1st-3rd quarter only in April and May of fiscal year 2024 (from 1 October 2023 – 31 May 2024), except for regular expenses that are necessary to create debt obligations for 12 months, prepare an actual budget plan, classified monthly and submit the plan to the Budget Office no later than 15 September 2023 when the Budget Office approves the plan of government agencies It is considered that the government agency has received approval of the budget limit. for procurement and can announce annual procurement plans

2. After announcing the annual procurement plan. Let government agencies expedite procurement according to plan. When the winner of the auction is received Be ready to make a contract or agreement immediately. Using the criteria and conditions Disbursement of the 2023 budget for the time being, then the agency The government then began to incur debt obligations in accordance with the procurement request amount.

“Government agencies can study additional details according to the letter of the problem determination committee. Public Procurement and Supplies Management, Most Urgent, No. Kor (Kor Jor) 0405.4/W529, dated 8 September 2023” Director-General of the Comptroller General’s Department Said

Source: Thai News Agency