“Thammanat” was personally accused by Mr. J. of claiming his name in the clip of the slap on property.


Bangkok, Minister Thammanat revealed that his name was linked to the gang that stole the assets of the Director-General of the Rice Department from an audio clip of “Mr. Jor.” calling to ask for a clearance fee from Mrs. Director-General of the Rice Department. I repeat, I have never met this person. We are examining the CCTV footage at the Ministry of Agriculture to see who “Mr. J.” met. There will be an answer soon.

Captain Thammanat Phromphao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives Referring to the case where there is an audio clip of “Mr. C.” talking on the phone with Mrs. Thanyarat. Chai Sirikunakorn Wife of Mr. Natthakit Khongthip, Director-General of the Rice Department. To demand money in exchange for not making a complaint, “Mr. J.” stated that he had talked with Captain Thammanat. which agrees to follow the conditions of “Mr. Sor” in order to end the matter and not be tarnished. As for the amount of money, it must be agreed with the Director-General of the Rice Department. Captain Thammanat reit
erated that his name was claimed without having ever met ‘Mr.

Mr. Thanadol Suwannarit, Advisor to the Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, stated that Captain Thammanat’s report Regarding the audio clip claiming the name of Captain Thammanat Captain Thammanat said, “What did I have to do with this?” Mr. Thanadol confirmed that Captain Thammanat Knowing about the attack on the assets of the Director-General of the Rice Department When the police raided and arrested the perpetrators Then Mr. Thanadon reported to him. Captain Thammanat then ordered all facts to be examined.

However, Mr. Srisuwan Janraya and Mr. Yoswarit Chuklom or Jeng Dokjik never came to meet Captain Thammanat. We are currently investigating the details of the allusion. If there is damage to Captain Thammanat, he will consider legal action.

Mr. Thanadol also said that He himself was mentioned in an interview that the advisor to the executive of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Knowing the matter and calling Mr. Natthakit Kh
ongthip, Director-General of the Rice Department, to meet, but it appears that the advisor to the Ministry of Agriculture executive It is recommended that the clearing fee be paid to Mr. Srisuwan Janraya because he sees that the matter will be settled. If there is a press release May cause damage as a result. He also arranged for the wife of the Director-General of the Rice Department to give the money to Mr. Srisuwan at that house.

Mr. Thanadol said that in the interview the name of the executive advisor to the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives was not specified. But it caused people to misunderstand that it was Mr. Thanadol who suggested that. He confirmed that he did not know about the slap on the assets of the Director-General of the Rice Department before. We only know that Mr. Srisuwan will come to complain from Mr. Srisuwan’s Facebook post that he will come to complain to Captain Thammanat Phromphao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, on January 26, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. The person who sent
the Facebook link informed me. When he learned that Mr. Srisuwan would come to complain, he prepared to receive a letter on behalf of the Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, but it appeared that Mr. Srisuwan had not come to the Ministry of Agriculture. As posted on Facebook We heard the news again when the police raided and arrested him at the house.

Mr. Thanadol reiterated that he did not know who the “consultant” in the interview referred to. But definitely not yourself.

Source: Thai News Agency