Thailand moves forward to help Myanmar Humanitarian aspect: IDPs 3 points

Internal Affairs

Seksan Operation Base,, ‘Thailand’ moves forward to help ‘Myanmar’ with humanitarian assistance to those displaced at 3 points. ‘Red Cross Society’ prepares to deliver items tomorrow (25 Mar.) while the fighting is still fierce. Send the Y-12 aircraft to fight back at the ethnic minority committee. Protecting military bases: ‘The 3rd Army Region’ assesses the conflict during the dry season. Prepare a plan to accommodate refugees Accept soldiers from neighboring countries 50 people fled to the Thai side and have already been sent back.

It is reported that on March 25, representatives of the Thai Red Cross Society with representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will come to preside over the ceremony Delivering humanitarian aid bags to Internally Displaced People (IDPs) at permanent border crossing points 2nd Thai-Myanmar Friendship Bridge

with the President of the Red Cross Chapter of Tak Province and the President of the Red Cross Branch of Mae Sot District acting as representatives of the Thai Red
Cross Society. Delivered 4,000 sets of relief items to the Myanmar Red Cross Society. To be transported to 3 shelter areas, namely Ban Nabu, Baijong and Tamanya.

For the Naresuan Army The 3rd Army Area Operations Center supports operations from preparation, packing, and moving of items. and other conveniences Through the mechanism of bilateral cooperation between Thailand and Myanmar at the local level (TBC), it also monitors the situation of the conflict. of the ethnic minority forces and the Myanmar military forces closely, especially where it is estimated that there will be more severe clashes during the dry season in April – May.

Reporters reported that last morning There have also been clashes between Myanmar military forces. and minorities There was an attack on a Myanmar military base. Nejigon area, Khao Takocho, which is the headquarters of Battalion 300, then the Myanmar Armed Forces. Operations were carried out to stop the rebel forces encircling the area by sending Y-12 aircraft to reconnoitre an
d drop bombs. As well as using a curved missile weapon to shoot into the area on the opposite side.

Col. Maitri Chupreecha, Deputy Commander of the Naresuan Army (Deputy Commander of the Naresuan Army) spoke about the fighting situation in the area opposite Tawa Province. There were also military operations between Myanmar Army with ethnic minority forces As for our side’s operations, we still need to monitor the situation and be careful about the battle whether it will have an impact on our side or not.

Deputy Commander-in-Chief Naresuan said that what is worrying is the impact on the Thai side. which has already been taken care of by the original plan Currently, the fighting still continues. But on his side, the area has already been prepared.

For military issues regarding encroachment on sovereignty or heavy weapons shells being dropped. On the Thai side At present there is no This is an area where we must be careful and continue to monitor the situation.

When asked whether the situation will be as sev
ere as in 2023, Col. Preecha said that it is estimated that it is likely to become more severe. This is the time when we have to monitor the situation. But there is already a step-by-step plan to support it. As for the factors that will result in violent events, we can look at the current situation. that various minority groups There is quite a bit of practice. I’m afraid that one day there will be retaliation or not. Must follow and analyze further.

As for our forces, we are taking care of the Thai people along the border by which has evacuation plans in place for every area and must coordinate with government agencies such as the administration and local leaders as well

As for the news that Myanmar soldiers fled from the fighting to the Thai side, Deputy Commander of the Naresuan Army said that from the information that appeared, it was the result of the fighting. For our part, as countries with adjacent areas, the people who enter are not our enemies. Provide care according to humane principles

In this
matter, our army already has clear guidelines for helping according to the current steps. About 50 people have already been sent back.

Source: Thai News Agency