Teachers Council Board announces new degree recognition


Teachers Council Board announces new degree accreditation, emphasizing quality-standards in teacher production.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Amonwan Veerathamo, secretary-general of the Teachers Council, revealed that the Teachers Council issued an announcement regarding Accreditation of degrees and educational certificates according to professional standards For professional practice, 2024, published in the Royal Gazette on February 6, 2024, is considered a reform of teacher production and a revamp of the teacher production process. There are criteria for consideration, methods, and conditions for degree accreditation that emphasize the quality and standards of higher education institutions that produce teachers. and educational personnel of Thailand Both bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs in education. Including a graduate certificate in the teaching profession or otherwise called.

To request certification of a degree or certificate from the Teachers Council Higher education institutions must determine plans f
or producing teachers and educational personnel that are consistent with the needs, potential, readiness, and expertise of each institution. Including preparing production plans Over a period of 5 years, starting from the academic year 2024 onwards, institutions must analyze readiness and potential and prepare production plans for all levels of education in various fields of study. Both quantity and quality by 1 institution, 1 overall plan. If there is production other than the proposed plan The Teachers Council will not certify and during 5 years, the higher education institution can adjust the plan 1 time. Requesting curriculum accreditation Institutions must submit relevant documents and information not less than 60 days before accepting students.

For courses that will be certified and offered in the 2026 academic year, relevant documents and information must be submitted. Not less than 180 days before accepting students, which the Teachers Council Secretariat will process for certification. To be complet
ed before the institution opens admission to students. And student admissions must not exceed the production plan approved by the institution council. However, no more than 30 students can be accepted in one classroom, which may accept more than one classroom, depending on the potential of the institution that meets the criteria for the field of study. and can accept more than the specified amount not exceeding 10 percent of the student admission plan only

for student development There must be a process to develop communication skills in Thai, English and the use of digital technology for education for students continuously throughout the curriculum. There are activities to enhance being a teacher. The institution must arrange for students to participate in activities continuously throughout the curriculum, including 1) Activities to promote morality, ethics, and good citizenship in terms of love for the nation, religion, and the King. 2) Activities to promote professional ethics (E-PLC) of the office. Secre
tary-General of the Teachers Council 3) Activities to promote life skills Sufficient living and financial literacy; 4) volunteer activities, public spirit, or service to the community and society; 5) activities to enhance Thai and English communication skills for teachers; and 6) Boy Scout activities. This may be a course or training activity according to the curriculum of the National Scout Office.

After certification Teachers Council Secretariat It will send a subcommittee to follow up on certification through empirical evaluation. In order for the institution to meet the specified standards at least once, in cases where the institution organizes a course that does not meet the accreditation criteria. Improvements must be made to meet the criteria within a specified period of time. If adjusted, it meets the certification criteria. The Teachers Council will confirm the certification. But if adjusted, it still does not meet the certification criteria. The Teachers Council will suspend or terminate certificat
ion, as the case may be. This revamping of the teacher production process It will build confidence in teacher production standards. Graduates who graduate are of high quality. and affect the students to have more quality.

Source: Thai News Agency