“Suwat” confirms that “Korn” resigned from Chatpattanakla, parting for good


26 June – “Suwat” leans “Korn” resigns from the Chart Pattana Kla Party, leaving well, preparing for a meeting this week. Knock on the day to choose a new leader, repeating “2 MPs.” The party is ready to work. push for policies for the benefit of the people

) mentioned the case of Mr. Korn Chatikavanich resigning from the party leader that Mr. Korn met and informed him that when the general election has been completed would like to take the opportunity to elect a new party executive committee to be suitable for the political situation that the Chart Pattana Party would have to move forward in the political work of the new House of Assembly for the benefit of the public and pushing for various policies campaigned benefit especially in the economy therefore resigned from the position of party leader This will result in the election of a new party executive committee. But Mr. Korn is still a member of the party. Thanks to the political spirit that is a good role model From now on, there would have to be a meeting of the Party Executive Committee. acting as acting to set a date for the general meeting in the election of the new party leader and executive committee According to the party’s regulations, while there is no new party leader 1st deputy party leader

Mr. Suwat continued that before Mr. Korn resigned from that party leader Mr. Korpsak Phavasu, President of Economic Strategist came to inform him that he had resigned from his position, including Mr. Worawut Ounjai, he had resigned from the deputy leader of the party along with Mr. Korn I have to thank all 3 people who have helped to work for the party during the election. including all party executives Although the results of this election The Chart Pattana Kla Party will only have 2 MPs, but will work hard. to push policies for the full benefit of the people and the nation

“Within this week, the party will convene a meeting of the acting executive committee of the party. to set a date for the general meeting in the election of party leaders and committees Continue to manage the new party, ”said Mr. Suwat.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency