“Suriya” orders “Thailand – Marine Corps” to monitor the summer storm situation throughout Thailand.


Bangkok, “Suriya” orders the “Thailand – Marine Corps” to monitor the summer storm situation throughout Thailand from 8 – 13 May, keeping a close watch on flooding events. Encourage the installation of warning signs – signs suggesting detours. Ready to help people 24 hours a day.

Mr. Suriya Juangroongruangkit Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Transport revealed that as the Meteorological Department has issued an announcement regarding summer storms causing southeasterly winds and southerly winds to cover the northeastern region (Isaan), the eastern region and the eastern side of the northern and central regions, causing The area has a summer storm that occurred during 8 – 13 May 2024. This makes the area Thunderstorms and strong winds are likely, which may cause flash floods. and flash floods are possible. In this regard, all relevant agencies under the Ministry of Transport have been ordered In particular, the Department of Highways (Rural Highways) and the Department of Rural Roads (Rural Roads) c
losely monitor the summer storm situation during this period. along with reporting on the situation in areas affected by summer storms and publicize it for the public to receive information Including installing warning signs. Signs recommending routes to avoid areas affected by flooding. Arrange staff to monitor the situation To help the people within 24 hours (hrs.)

The Ministry of Transport has set up a plan in the event of a potential flood situation. and prepare for prevention steps (before a disaster occurs), response (during a disaster) and recovery steps (After a disaster) leads to mitigating, resolving or resolving the situation in the area to be completed quickly and instructs relevant agencies to report the results of their operations to the Ministry of Transport. to be informed of the situation in each area as well

However, the Ministry of Transport and all related agencies are involved. Ready to take care of the people closely In order to avoid such a situation It has an impact on people’s trave
l. But if there is an abnormal situation Will rush to send agencies into the area and expedite management immediately. At the same time, people can ask for information. For additional travel or to report an emergency while traveling, please call the Motorway Hotline, Tel. 1586 (toll free for all networks 24 hours a day), Motorway Hotline, Tel. 1586, press 7, Highway Police, Tel. 1193 and the Highway Patrol Hotline. . Tel. 1146.

Source: Thai News Agency