Support Indonesia’s bid for full FATF membership: BNPT


The National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) has said it supports Indonesia’s bid to become a full member of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF).

“BNPT and all members of the Money Laundering Countermeasure and Eradication Committee (TPPU Committee) will cooperate and synergize in handling cases of terrorism financing crimes,” head of BNPT, Boy Rafli Amar, remarked at the FATF’s MER (Mutual Evaluation Review) and on-site visit to Indonesia at the Mandiri Club Building, here on Monday.

In a written statement, Amar explained that the FATF is an international organization that seeks to prevent money laundering and terror financing.

Synergy between BNPT and TPPU committee in handling terror financing crimes is expected to contribute to Indonesia’s goal to become a full member of the FATF, he said.

Indonesia got a good assessment from FATF in the mutual evaluation review, he informed.

BNPT previously held a meeting to consolidate answers with the relevant ministries or agencies, regarding the IO (immediate outcome) on the 10 targeted financial sanctions and IO 9 on the issue of foreign terrorist fighters (FTF) as well as social media.

IO 10 of FATF refers to “targeted financial sanctions and terrorist financing preventive measures,” while IO 9 is related to “investigation and prosecution of terrorist financing,” Amar elaborated.

In IO 9, there are special issues related to the handling of FTF and social media, which the BNPT is responsible for.

Regarding FTF, he pointed out, BNPT and the National Coordinating Committee for the Prevention and Eradication of Money Laundering Crimes and Terrorism Financing Crimes have conducted discussions on issues ranging from identification, prevention, to eradication carried out by the Indonesian government on handling foreign terrorist fighters.

In responding to issues surrounding social media, BNPT has collaborated with members of the TPPU Committee, especially the Center for Reporting Financial Analysis and Transactions (PPATK), to conduct further analysis of social media accounts indicated to be carrying out terror financing.


Source: Antara News

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