Stunting-pedia supports stunting-eradication efforts: Minister


Jakarta (ANTARA) – The book titled “Stunting-pedia: What You Need to Know About Stunting” that has been launched to commemorate the 30th National Family Day in 2023 could help the government to eradicate stunting, Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin stated.”I support this book as a reference for stunting control and to create a stunting-free future for a healthy Indonesia,” the minister said in an official statement released by the Tanoto Foundation in Jakarta, Wednesday. On the occasion of the book being inaugurated at the Team Work Meeting for the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction (TPPS) in Banyuasin, South Sumatra, on Monday, July 3, Sadikin underscored the need for strong efforts and collaboration across sectors and partners to jointly implement stunting prevention and control. The book, compiled by the Tanoto Foundation as a government partner, can be read by various groups to partake in the efforts to solve stunting cases in Indonesia. The minister is optimistic that the knowledge contained in the book can reach every strata of society to realize greater collaboration in dealing with the threat of stunting in an apt manner, such as understanding the good healthy living behavior in the community as well as innovations to accelerate stunting reduction. “The national stunting prevalence rate in Indonesia has decreased, from 24.4 percent in 2021 to 21.6 percent in 2022 based on the results of the 2022 Indonesian Nutrition Status Study (SSGI). However, we are looking to reduce it to 14 percent in 2024,” he noted. Country Head of Tanoto Foundation Inge Sanitasia Kusumasaid that the launch is a form of commitment to support the government in eradicating stunting in the country. It can serve as a reference for the government, especially the regional governments, to provide benefits in formulating strategies as well as for practical implementation of programs to accelerate stunting reduction in Indonesia, Kusumasaid. The book is divided into two volumes, namely volume 1: The Concept of Stunting and the Life Cycle that sheds light on the basic concept of stunting, while volume 2: Handling of Stunting contains strategies for changing behavior, the role of the government, various innovations from Indonesia and other countries in accelerating the reduction of stunting, as well as current achievements and further steps to accelerate the reduction of stunting. “Both volumes of books can be downloaded for free through the SIGAP website at,” she said.

Source: Antara News Agency