“Sorachat” plans to limit topics of government scrutiny, emphasizing creative work

Internal Affairs

Parliament, “Sorachat” sees the Senate should step back from its role in scrutinizing the “government”, claiming to be a screening council, giving the duty of scrutiny to the opposition, preparing to limit the scrutiny topics, emphasizing constructive work.

Mr. Sorachat Wichaya Suwannaprom, Senator for the Science, Technology, Communication, and Innovation Development Group, gave an interview that currently, there are almost all Senators who have jointly endorsed the submission of the new Senate meeting regulations. The process is currently underway to reach an understanding with the Senators in proposing the draft regulations that include proposals to reduce the number of standing committees and establish a special Senate committee. As for the case where Senators are preparing to propose other draft regulations, both in the case of Dr. Premsak Piayura, Senator for the Independent Group, and Ms. Nantana Nantvaropa, Senator for the New Generation Group, they have the right to propose them.

‘We are currently
listening to all parties and groups to send a signal as to whether it is sufficient to consider the full parliamentary committee format. Personally, I think reducing the number of standing committees to 20 and having 3 special committees to work regularly should be sufficient. As for setting up special committees to study specific issues or to carry out missions according to various laws, they can still be set up and work,’ said Mr. Sorachat.

For the role of the new senators in scrutinizing the government, Mr. Sorachat said that the current senators should step back because in the House of Representatives, there is a scrutinizing side, which is the opposition, while the role of the senators is a screening council, a council that brings together knowledgeable and capable people to act as an academic council, proposing guidelines through a special committee that is proposed to the government. As for controlling the government, such as questions, he believes that there will be some and it is agreed that there w
ill be only a little bit, in order to be constructive for the government to continue working. Therefore, the scrutiny of the current senators’ government will not be as intense as in the past.

Source: Thai News Agency