Some 33 hotspots detected in South Kalimantan’s Banjarmasin: BPBD


Jakarta (ANTARA) – Banjarmasin City’s Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) recorded that 33 hotspots indicating wildfires had been detected from June 26 to October 3, according to the agency’s head, Husni Thamrin.The hotspots ravaged around 5.3 hectares of land but owing to the small scale of fires and easy access to road, efforts to put them out could have been made, he noted here, Saturday. Thamrin expressed his ongoing concerns over the recurrence of hotspots due to the careless approach of several residents persisting in burning their domestic waste, as the fire could engulf dried grass. ccording to a recent statement by the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB), the wildfires that struck in South Kalimantan Province had affected local residents, including those in the city of Banjarmasin. part from affecting Banjarmasin and its outskirts over the past week, the haze, caused by land and forest fires, had also affected those in the city of Banjarbaru and districts of Barito Kuala and Banjar, he stated. In anticipation of respiratory diseases, the Banjarmasin city government has activated online classes for students of early childhood education centers (PAUD) as well as elementary and junior high schools, he remarked.

Source: Antara News Agency