Solo robbery of gold at famous Chiang Mai department store, steals 50 baht worth of gold and escapes


Chiang Mai, A lone robber broke into a gold shop in a famous shopping mall in Chiang Mai, stealing more than 50 baht worth of gold in just 1 minute and 40 seconds. Officers are pursuing the robber.

At approximately 11:40 a.m. today (8 July 2014), the culprit was a tall, thin man wearing a black long-sleeved shirt, a hat, and a surgical mask to cover his face. He walked into a gold shop on the second floor of a famous shopping mall in Chiang Mai Province and told the staff to send the gold, but the staff was shocked and pressed the notification button, causing the culprit to walk in and sweep the gold on the shelves, focusing on a 10-baht gold necklace. It is estimated that he took no less than 50 baht of gold before running out of the mall and getting into a white sedan and driving away along Chiang Mai-Lampang Road.

The latest is that Pol. Maj. Gen. Weerachon Boonthawi, deputy commander of Provincial Police Region 5, and Pol. Maj. Gen. Thawatchai Phongwiwatchai, commander of Chiang Mai Provincial Police,
inspected the scene and revealed that the perpetrators likely came to scout out the area several times and had a well-prepared plan, as it took only 1 minute and 40 seconds to commit the crime. They are currently reviewing CCTV footage and hunting for the perpetrators.

Source: Thai News Agency