SET manager looks at Thailand, does not need to adjust interest rates as quickly as other countries


Bangkok 15 Jun-Manager SET: Thailand does not need to adjust interest rates as quickly as other countries, but the Bank of Thailand uses monetary policy appropriately. support the Thai economy to grow while “Kobsak” reiterates how to make Thailand return to being a teenage girl aged 18 year again to attract foreigners Pointing out that the heart of attracting investment is that the government must be stable.

Mr. Pakorn Peetathawatchai, Director and Manager of the Stock Exchange of Thailand, Special Lecture on the Stock Exchange of Thailand.. Connecting the world stock market in the Investment Forum: New Chapter, New Opportunity seminar forum that the Thai capital market this year is still at risk. from inflation and high interest rates That began to affect the liquidity in the world market decreased. while the policy interest rate and the inflation rate of Thailand began to see an increase, but in the past, the governor of the Bank of Thailand Came out to emphasize that there is no need for Thailand to adjust interest rates as quickly as other countries. It can be considered that the gradual interest rate shift of the Bank of Thailand which is used is considered to be proceeding in the right direction

For the Thai capital market, at present, it can still raise funds well. It is number one in ASEAN for 4-5 years in a row, and can continue to provide funding channels to various companies. By raising about 25% of the market capitalization, the capital market is still strong. Including the amount of trading liquidity per day Still at a good level, used to go up to an average of 90,000 million baht per day during the year 2021 and currently has an average trading rate of 60,000 million baht, with the lower rate due to reduced liquidity by being pressured pressure from inflation and rising policy interest rates.

The weakness of the capital market in Thailand has 2 issues, the first issue is how to get foreign companies to raise more funds in Thailand, and the second issue is how to get startups and SMEs to mobilize. more capital in the Thai capital market make the stock market continues to develop additional channels To support startups and small companies

As for the opportunities in the Thai stock market after this, there are still opportunities in the tourism sector. corresponds to supporting the opening of the country Especially in the Well-Being business group. Domestic trade, transportation, food sectors and agriculture still have potential to grow in the future. world economy how the growth will be including inflation and liquidity Will there be another point of geopolitical conflict? These are all risk factors that need to be closely watched. At the same time, the Thai capital market will accelerate market development. to open business opportunities and investment in both core assets including digital assets

Mr. Kobsak Pootrakool, Chairman of the Federation of Thai Capital Market Organizations (FETCO), gave a special lecture on the new government’s policy and pointed out the fate of the Thai stock market fund flow that after the past election, money flowed out of Thailand to China, India, Japan and the United States. The money is in circulation, but unlike last year, at the end of 2022, the Thai SET Index rose 0.7% compared to the end of 2021.

However, before the election Many political parties campaign with a policy of giving money and creating popularity. But what can we do to make Thailand change from a 35-year-old girl back to an 18-year-old teenage girl in order to attract investment again? The heart of attracting investment is the government must be stable. The private sector will be able to move forward. In his opinion, the new government has 3 challenges, namely

1. Maintain economic momentum, for example, more exports to China because China is opening up the country after closing during the COVID period. Unlock more travel stories Accelerate various government investment projects that have already been approved. And take care of the baht to weaken for more exports.

2. Build the future for the country. Reduce legal obstacles-Regulatory Guillotine Attract FDIs and Startups-Hub for ASEAN Step up to the New S-Curve and move forward with the EEC and the SEC. Andaman In the past, we had Laem Chabang Port. Time to export to India will take about 3 weeks if developing a deep sea port in the Andaman coast. We will take delivery to India only 1 week and so on. which will be the strength of Thailand Because Vietnam has only one sea exit in the Pacific Ocean.

3. Balanced development reduce conflicts between rural cities if above quarrel But downstairs is that the countryside is still strong and the country can move forward. Reduce unnecessary burdens. Empower promotes people. develop him to stand on his own legs, and most importantly, giving money is not the answer.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency