“Seree” quipped that his outstanding work is Guilty people are not punished – digital wallets are at risk of corruption.

Internal Affairs

Parliament, Senate opens general debate. “Seree” quipped that the most outstanding work is Make the wrongdoer go unpunished Criticizes digital wallets for the risk of corruption. The Prime Minister explains that frequent flights abroad are a tradition for new leaders. He doesn’t like it. For 10 years, the Senate has not discussed it, but the government has been open for general discussion for 7 months.

Reporters reported that senate meeting Consider a motion to open a general debate in the Senate. To allow the Cabinet to state facts or clarify important problems regarding the administration of government without voting. According to Section 153 of the Constitution proposed by Mr. Seri Suwannaphanon, Senator. Emphasizing that the request to open a general debate is in accordance with the constitution of the senators. To suggest solutions to solve problems There was no intention of bias. or cause damage to the government and want to invite the Prime Minister The Cabinet came to talk. Ready to criticize that i
f the government sees the importance, it should be open for discussion. Come listen and work together to solve the problem quickly. But instead, they allowed 2 months to lapse and wanted to see a stable government. Administer the country to create happiness for the people. Especially about the stomach

‘Many political parties are campaigning about living well. But almost seven months have passed. Not yet concrete As for claiming that we have to wait for the budget law. I saw that it was just an excuse. Because the old budget law can be used, there are many problems, but the government intends to distribute digital money. that are easily troubled by legal problems and are at risk of corruption Because it will borrow nearly five hundred billion baht. cannot solve economic problems Including solving the problem of dust. Instead, he traveled to the northern region, sipping wine despite the dust. causing the opposition to steal the spotlight by going to the area to extinguish forest fires and saw that traveling ab
road It does not bring benefit overall,’ Mr. Seri said.

Mr. Seri said that in addition, the justice process was unable to create fairness for the people. We must create standards for citizens to be under fair laws.

‘Outstanding work of the government There’s only one thing: helping people who make mistakes. impunity Let the Department of Corrections issue regulations to benefit some people without being punished. It has a damaging effect on the justice process,’ Mr. Seri said.

Mr. Seri said that at the same time there were many gambling dens. The Prime Minister and many other parties neglected them. Not rushing to solve the problem and called on the government to dare to confirm that Koh Kood is Thai.

Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance He rose to explain to the Senate meeting, saying that it was a great honor to be in such a prestigious place. To listen to the opinions and criticisms of all members. Confirm that this government is under its leadership. All ministers honor the legi
slative branches of both houses, the government as the executive branch.

‘When the legislature has questions or makes suggestions that are in accordance with the Constitution Those who have to listen or come to explain, are willing to cooperate and be willing. Never doubted that in the past 8-9 years, there has never been a discussion on Section 153, but for 7 months the government has opened up a discussion. Once you know your duty, you must abide by the constitution as specified. Never feel depressed It is our duty to answer clearly,’ the Prime Minister said.

The Prime Minister said that there were observations about traveling abroad. I would like to clarify that this is a matter of necessity for the entire ASEAN meeting. Many times it is traditions The new leader will have to visit neighbors including Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia and Laos, which he is well aware of. Regarding the use of time in government administration to the utmost benefit. He understands the current concerns. There is technology to b
e able to administer government affairs, contact ministers and civil servants involved in resolving the country’s problems and crises. without having to meet face to face As for traveling to Chiang Mai province Last November, preparations were made to solve the problem of dust. Now it has decreased by 30-70% depending on the area.

The Prime Minister said that the latest trip In addition to Chiang Mai Province, we also go to many other provinces. And there was a Cabinet meeting in Phayao Province. I confirm that I did not drink wine. due to illness

As for the draft budget bill for fiscal year 2024, which has just been approved by the House of Representatives. It is not an excuse or an excuse not to run the government or help the people. But the main policies And many government policies stimulate the economy. without relying on the budget He admitted that the previous government had already done some of this. Whatever is done well, we are happy to continue. Didn’t gloss over every issue. International compan
ies have been contacted to invest. It’s in the hundreds of billions. Therefore, it took more than 7 months to negotiate an agreement. which the president of the trade representative and the Secretary-General of the Board of Investment or BOI will make a statement tomorrow (26 March) at 11:00 a.m. regarding upgrading Thai industry. that will help raise the long-term income of the people However, Budget is one of the limiting factors. that the government is unable to fully help the people

‘I would like to confirm that the government has implemented key policies. in pushing the economy Society and constitutional amendment which has set the workload and Have a clear timeline As for the digital wallet distribution project of 10,000 baht, the government places importance on listening to opinions from all sectors in order to put it together in the best possible way. which today tomorrow Deputy Minister of Finance The results of the hearing will be announced,’ the Prime Minister said.

As for solving the problem of
debt outside the system He agreed that This story isn’t over yet. Debtors are reluctant to enter the system. Last Saturday and Sunday he went to visit. Police stations both inside and outside Bangkok have therefore urged people not to sit at tables and wait for people to inform them of how much debt they have. But it is the duty of the administrative and security department to go to the area and demand that he come and report. and take care that he is not threatened by any dark powers which he understands the problem of unfair interest Therefore, it must be given great importance. The government must deal with this issue in a concrete way. The Ministry of Finance and banks under supervision Will go in to support the cash flow section. Even though the problem still cannot be solved in an integrated manner, 7 months ago There has been a change.

Source: Thai News Agency