Royal Rainmaking aircraft opened the vents to vent dust and smoke from forest fires in Ob Luang National Park.


Bangkok: Officials rush to extinguish forest fires. In the area of Ob Luang National Park After illegal burning to find forest products As the Royal Rainmaking plane takes off, it creates wind. To release dust into the atmosphere Help reduce dust and smoke in Chiang Mai

Officials are still rushing to extinguish forest fires. In Ob Luang National Park, Hot District, Chiang Mai Province where there is illegal forest burning To find forest products and hunt villagers’ animals By using a backhoe to dig a well in the middle of the Nam Chaem River, Hang Dong Subdistrict, Hot District, size width – length 5 meters, depth 4 meters, for the helicopter of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Bring a basket to easily scoop water from the pond in the middle of the river. and closer to the forest fires. Makes it possible to make better time to put out fires. This morning, water was collected 22 times, taking 1 hour and 20 minutes.

As the Royal Rainmaking plane takes off, it creates wind. To drill holes to
vent dust into the atmosphere in areas with high dust values. Help reduce dust and smoke in Chiang Mai, where Hang Dong Subdistrict, Hot District, found hot spots. Or as many as 42 forest fires, PM 2.5 values as high as 80.4 micrograms/cubic meter. – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency