Ready to answer the Senate’s questioning at the end of March after the Prime Minister returned from Europe.

Internal Affairs

House, “Phoomtham” Deputy Prime Minister confirms that the government is ready to answer the Senate question at the end of March after the Prime Minister returns from Europe. He would like to wait to hear the content before the scheduled number of days.

Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce Referring to the determination of the time frame for opening a general debate among members of the Senate (Senators) according to Section 153 of the Constitution, he said that initially there had been discussion. It will take time at the end of March. Because Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, is on a mission and must travel abroad. Whole Australia and countries in Europe, therefore must wait for the Prime Minister to complete his mission from the country first Ready to confirm that The government will not prolong it. Until the senator’s term expires

Mr. Phumtham also confirmed that The government is not concerned about opening such discussions. Because it is
not a debate of no confidence. But the government is ready to listen to the different views of senators. that will reflect opinions to the government The government is ready to answer and clarify. There is no avoidance or escape.

As for the determination of the number of debate days that the government whip has offered to the Senate, 1 day, Mr. Phumtham explained that it must depend on the content. If there is a discussion point Can negotiate Because I don’t want to ask for 2-3 days even though I still don’t know the contents of the discussion. which has no standard So I want to bring the truth to talk. not imagination Because there isn’t anything troubling about it. and the government is ready to explain and answer honestly which if there is an issue Time is not a problem.

Mr. Phumtham also mentioned the case of senators. Calling on the minister to answer questions from senators that By the principles of the Prime Minister He instructed the minister to set a timetable and attend to answer questions. If not
stuck with other missions or assign another minister But there is a problem now. Ministers have many duties. And some people have sudden missions. But I’m sure there won’t be a problem. Because the Prime Minister The order has been given. Even if there is no question posted I would like to ask the Cabinet. Going to use the parliamentary platform for work.

Source: Thai News Agency