Raided and shot the Subdistrict Administrative Organization secretary and the commander dead on the football field.


Pattani, Outrageous! The assailant attacked and shot the deputy. Subdistrict Administrative Organization-Village Headman Died on the football field While Subdistrict Administrative Organization officials stood on the sidelines with meatball vendors Injured by a stray bullet

Nong Chik Police Station investigated the shooting incident near the football field, Village No. 2, Dato Subdistrict, Nong Chik District, Pattani Province. The scene of the incident was found dead in a tent at the football field. The known name is Mr. Cherdchai, 56 years old, Permanent Secretary of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization. .Colton Yong The corpse was in a sports uniform. He was shot in the head with an unknown-sized pistol, 2 times, about 3 meters apart. Another person was found dead in the grass area, namely Mr. Sittichai, age 47, village headman of Village No. 6, Khor Tanyong Subdistrict, who was shot in the body. 2 shots

In addition, there were 2 more injured people who were taken to Mae Lan Hospital, the name of
which is known as Mr. Natthasak, 38 years old, an official of the Khor Tanyong Subdistrict Administrative Organization, was shot 1 time in the knee area where a major artery was severely torn, and another person was Mr. Makoseng, 59 years old, a meatball vendor next to the football field, was shot once in the chest. At the scene, officials also found several M16 rifle casings lying on the road. therefore kept as evidence

Preliminary investigation found that After Mr. Cherdchai, Permanent Secretary of Khor Tanyong Subdistrict Administrative Organization I had just finished a Subdistrict Administrative Organization football match and was sitting in a tent next to the field drinking coffee. While the village headman was standing nearby, 4 criminals riding 2 motorcycles stopped on the road before the two riders got out of their vehicles and walked towards Mr. Cherdchai. from behind and immediately pulled out a gun to shoot. Until Mr. Cherdchai fell to the ground in front of the people who had come to watch the S
ubdistrict Administrative Organization football match, while Mr. Sittichai, the village headman who was standing nearby, ran away. The assailant then used a gun and shot until he was seriously injured. But still strong and trying to keep running. Before losing his strength, he fell to his death in the grass along the roadside, becoming the second corpse.

In addition, the bullets were also grilled by Subdistrict Administrative Organization officials and meatball vendors. Two more people were injured, while two other assailants riding on motorcycles used war-torn weapons to shoot threats into the sky in order to open an escape route. and prevent officials from coming to help before all the criminals fled on motorcycles.

After the incident, the 43rd Ranger Regiment Special Unit, Sondhi, joined in cordoning off and searching in a radius of 500 meters, along with coordinating to checkpoints and strictly searching suspicious vehicles and persons. As recently as today, officials still blocked off the area. for off
icers from the explosive ordnance disposal team and evidence verification kit Go in and check. which officials must still use caution Because they fear that the criminal will trick the officials and cause the same incident again.

From the initial inspection of the scene, many M16 and 9 mm bullet casings were found. As for the preliminary cause, officials have not yet ruled out any single issue, setting two issues: the origin of the incident by a group of insurgents who wanted attacking government officials and personal conflicts.

Source: Thai News Agency