PTT’s profit in 2023 reached 112 billion baht, an increase of 22.86%.


Bangkok, PTT’s 2023 profits reach 112 billion baht, an increase of 22.86% from increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and continuing investment. enhance national security Bringing more than 78 billion baht to the government

Mr. Atthaphon Rerkpiboon, Chief Executive Officer and President of PTT Public Company Limited, revealed the operating results of PTT and its subsidiaries in 2023 with a net profit of 112,024 million baht, an increase of 22.86% or equivalent to 3.6. % of sales higher than 2022, which is a result of PTT Group’s cooperation in increasing production process efficiency. and reduce operating costs

They were able to reduce expenses by more than 13,000 million baht. In addition, in 2023, the PTT Group had decreased losses from derivative instruments to hedge against commodity price risks. and increased profits from exchange rates following the strengthening of the baht in 2023, although operating profits before depreciation and amortization Financial costs and income tax (EBITDA) of PTT Group de
creased, mainly from the petrochemical and refining business groups. with gross profit from refining (Market GRM) decreasing from 2022. In addition, in 2023, the PTT Group has increased oil stock losses. following the direction of falling oil prices In addition, the operating results of the petroleum exploration and production business decreased from a decrease in average selling price and average sales volume. In addition, other business groups had decreased operating results. The majority of the profits come from investments made by companies in the PTT Group, which is a business that competes freely both domestically and abroad. Divided by business type as Petroleum exploration and production business 45%, petrochemical and refining business 9%, new business and infrastructure and other subsidiaries 17%, which had increased operating results from the future energy business and new businesses from Avaada Energy Private Limited (Avaada), which invested in a solar power plant project in India, and from Lotus
Pharmaceutical Company. Company Limited (Lotus) which operates the business of producing and distributing generic drugs. in Taiwan and the oil and retail business group, 7%, which consists of the oil business and non-oil businesses such as coffee and convenience stores. with profit per revenue of only 1%, while profit from PTT’s natural gas business and international trade business was only 22%

The PTT Board of Directors has resolved to pay dividends for the 2023 operating results at the rate of 2.00 baht per share. The interim dividend has already been paid at the rate of 0.80 baht per share in September 2023. There is still remaining dividend to be paid at the rate per share. 1.20 baht, which the Ministry of Finance, as a major shareholder, and the Vayupak Fund receive dividends totaling approximately 36 billion baht, and when combined with corporate income tax of PTT and its subsidiaries, another approximately 42 billion baht, including the PTT Group, leads Revenue from business operations in 2023 has bee
n sent to the state of approximately 78 billion baht.

In the past year 2023, PTT participated in creating energy stability. Power point for improving quality of life Driving the economy to grow together sustainably Through the development of future energy businesses and new businesses that go beyond energy. In terms of future energy, there is an expansion of the hydrogen fuel station in Bang Lamung District, Chonburi Province, to support delivery trucks and tractor-trailers. Established NV Gotion factory to produce battery packs together with KYMCO Group to establish Aionex to sell electric motorcycles. Increase the installation of EV Charging Stations under the on-ion brand to cover the entire country. In a new business area that goes beyond energy, NRPT launches Plant and Bean Thailand, a contract factory for producing 100% plant protein that meets world-class food safety standards, BRCGS Plant-based, the first and largest in the Asia Pacific region. Innobic Nutrition launches food products. Supplement for
good health of Thai people For the logistics business Opening rail freight transport on the Thailand-Laos-China route, linking the transport systems of Thailand and the ASEAN region. and prepare an investment budget for the year 2024 – 2028 in the amount of 89,203 million baht, aiming to push the country’s economy forward.

In terms of society, community and environment, PTT has planted a total of 86,173 rai of forests in 25 provinces, stimulating the local economy. Strengthen the community Through the Creating Smiles Innovation Project, which has brought PTT Group’s knowledge and innovations to be transferred to agricultural communities in 45 areas in 29 provinces nationwide. By increasing community income by more than 31.59 million baht and the project to strengthen social enterprises that can increase income for communities participating in the project by more than 5.75 million baht.

In the past, PTT has joined in relieving the suffering of the people to overcome the crisis period. Through operations such
as the One Breath and Breath for Children projects Oil reserves of 4 million barrels, NGV price fixing, LPG price assistance for hawkers and low-income earners through state welfare cards. Supporting money into the oil fund Extending credit terms to EGAT, etc., representing a total assistance value from 2020 – 2023 of more than 31,060 million baht.

Source: Thai News Agency