Prime Minister declares Phuket must be safe Crime must end.

Internal Affairs

Bangkok, Prime Minister discusses Phuket government agencies. Says Phuket must be safe Crime must end. and is a paradise for tourists around the world.

Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Post a message saying Heads of government agencies in Phuket Province, consuls and honorary consuls from 12 countries along with police officers from all units were invited. Meeting to discuss measures to prevent and suppress crimes committed by foreigners. and setting measures to enhance safety for tourists.

The most important thing is to protect the lives and property of everyone in Phuket, both citizens and tourists. We must create the Phuket Model in tourism. coupled with safety and strict enforcement of laws We must prevent road, water and fire accidents. Operators must have a license. Foreigners are prohibited from driving without a driver’s license. In addition, Patong, Bangla, which is a tourist hotspot. Must not possess drugs and quarrels He asked the Acting Police Commander to urgently im
prove Patong Police Station and Bangla Fort.

‘Phuket is the first province that I traveled to after assuming the position of Prime Minister. From that day until today, I believe that the development of Phuket has made many concrete progress. But we can still do it. I ask that we ourselves not only look at the money that will go into the pockets of the business. But let us adhere to the security of the country as our main concern,’ the Prime Minister stated.

Source: Thai News Agency