President calls for strict action against police officer violating law

Human Rights

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has directed National Police chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo to take firm action against police officers who are found violating regulations and ethics, leading to a decline in public trust.

“Any lifestyle matters, which could cause a decline in public trust, and other violations have been highlighted by Mr. President, and we will follow up by taking firm action,” Prabowo informed at a press conference after attending a meeting with President Widodo at the State Palace here on Friday.

The police chief also underlined the importance of firm action against police officers who violate laws, such as those involved in online gambling and drug violations.

“Including eradication of online gambling, drug violations, and other activities deemed to disrupt and harm residents,” he noted.

The President has also instructed officers to remain united and work hard in discharging the police’s duties and functions, as well as protecting residents and being responsive to their needs, he added.

“Quick response and sense of crisis in difficult situations allow us to take security, public order, and law enforcement measures expected by the people,” Prabowo said.

President Widodo on Friday summoned 559 high-ranking police officers, including principal officers at the Police Headquarters and regional police chiefs from across the country to the State Palace.

The President decided to summon the high-ranking police officers following several incidents involving police personnel, which shook public trust in police, including the alleged premeditated murder of Brigadier Yosua Hutabarat by Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, who was later dishonorably discharged from police.

The police were also in the spotlight after the Kanjuruhan Stadium tragedy in Malang district, East Java, which claimed 132 lives. The police named six suspects in the incident, including three high-ranking police officers.


Source: Antara News

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