“Pornphet” is satisfied with the senator’s work. Tell me that the law is a little stuck.

Internal Affairs

Bangkok, “Pornphet” is satisfied with the senator’s work, saying that there is little overdue law. The opening of the extraordinary meeting The Senate will set up a committee to study Budget 68 in parallel according to the rules. Before the transition, let a new set of senators take over their duties, telling them that this set of senators still has a chance. Suggestions can be made during discussions to the government.

Mr. Phonphet Wichitcholchai, President of the Senate, spoke about the opening of the extraordinary meeting to consider the draft budget bill for the fiscal year 2025 during May to June. that the Senate will set up a committee to conduct a parallel study Just like the consideration of the previous budget bill for 2024, in order to avoid any delays. As for approving the draft budget law for the year 2025, that must be the responsibility of Whether or not a new set of senators is appointed, Mr. Phonphet said that they must be appointed according to the rules. or laws that have been laid down to
be carried out If there is a new set of senators, the person who is a committee member must be changed.

As for the extraordinary meeting, Mr. Phonphet said the Senate may raise matters that are currently under consideration. Especially the things that are necessary For example, if there is a proposal to appoint a committee. Examine the history and conduct of individuals to hold positions in agencies or independent organizations submitted for approval by the Senate. can be considered

For working during the final period or doing work in a repeating manner before the senator’s term expires. During the month of May Especially the general discussion under Section 153, Mr. Phonphet said. If there is an extraordinary meeting, it will follow the form. The Senate will raise many matters for discussion at the meeting. Friends recommend and make recommendations to the government. While there will be a summary Statistics report on the overall work of the Senate. How many draft laws have been considered and how many top
ics have been considered? tomorrow Personally, I am satisfied with the overall picture of the past work of the Senate. Because there are very few matters remaining. including reports from various ministries and departments.

Source: Thai News Agency