Police Commander orders compilation of youth crime statistics for the past 5 years.


Bangkok, Police commander confirmed that police are suspicious of the case after they arrested “Uncle Piak” for planning to kill “Auntie Kob” so he went to check out the CCTV cameras before finding 5 youths as the culprits. So he went to ask the court to release him. Waiting for the report of the case results from the detective team this evening. I don’t want to say too much for fear of making an excuse. Emphasize that if anyone is found guilty, there will be no exception. Ordered to compile youth crime statistics for the past 5 years and submit them to the Ministry of Justice in order to amend laws for punishing children who commit serious crimes.

Pol. Gen. Torsak Sukwimon, Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police Revealing the case where the police Aranyaprathet Police Station Arresting Mr. Panya, age 56, or Uncle Piak, husband of Ms. Buapan, age 47, or Auntie Kob, the deceased, and it appears that the culprit was a group of five youths who caused the crime. At this time, Pol. Gen. Torsak Still waiting for t
he written list. From the commander of Police Region 2, coming up to the root cause. and all the events that occurred

Confirmed that since “Uncle Piak” surrendered to the police And after confessing, he was taken to point out the scene of the crime. Including collecting evidence, blood stains, DNA to send for testing, but the results have not yet been released. And there are still legal doubts. Therefore, he was sent to be detained in accordance with the law.

After that, an investigative team was sent to check the CCTV footage based on the suspicions. and when the CCTV images were received It was discovered that the perpetrator was not “Uncle Piak” so he immediately went to apply for release from prison. Ready to admit that Personally, I have doubts about this case. So he ordered Pol. Gen. Surachet Hakphan, Deputy Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police and Pol. Lt. Gen. Somprasong Yenthuam, Commander of Provincial Police Region 2, went down to inspect all the in-depth details on every issue. and believes tha
t there will be clarification in the case If any police officer is found to be involved in an illegal matter, action will be taken without exception.

As for the people who are dissatisfied with the police work in this case Pol. Gen. Torsak revealed that he asked the police to complete all issues. and according to forensic evidence and will be able to clear every issue At this point, saying it would be like making an excuse. If anyone is found to have truly committed a crime, they will be prosecuted. No person is helped. And it can be seen that during the initial incident, the police who had a relationship with the accused had already been ordered to move out of the area. To prevent interference with the work of the police working on the case.

As for taking “Uncle Piak” into custody while the case is not yet finished. Pol. Gen. Torsak confirmed that the police had searched for evidence from CCTV cameras before the media. After investigating, doubts were found. So I went to check out all the cameras. But he a
dmits that he has not talked to the owner of the CCTV camera to see if the police or the media came across the CCTV footage first. this evening The Commander of Provincial Police Region 2 will report all the details of the case.

In the case where society complains that police families often cause crimes. Police General Torsak admit that social costs The police are often negative. But there are more than 200,000 police officers in the whole country. But when someone who causes a crime is a police officer’s son, or former police officer It’s often in the news. But I would like to point out that in the past there were quite a few youths who committed crimes who were not police officers. But I want you to believe that In the past, the police have worked on cases based on forensic evidence. and try to break the cycle as much as possible Like the “Teacher Jeab – Nong Yot” case, we tried to reveal the criminal cycle of this network as much as possible.

Pol.Gen. Torsak also stated that after this he has given the r
elevant agencies Collected statistics on crimes involving youth going back 5 years in order to analyze behavior. and will forward it to the Ministry of Justice to consider taking steps to amend the law against youths who have committed serious crimes. The report must be sent within 31 Jan.

Source: Thai News Agency