“Pol. Gen. Sarawut” reveals it is “Big Joke’s” right to submit a request for fairness to the Prime Minister.


‘Pol. Gen. Sarawut’ revealed that it is ‘Big Joke’s’ right to submit a request for fairness to the Prime Minister, but it is not related to the disciplinary committee. He stated that ‘Big Joke’ requested an extension of the investigation time, citing that there are many witnesses and documents. He indicated that it is likely to be completed before retirement. He emphasized that it was thorough and fair.

Pol. Gen. Sarawut Karnpanich, Deputy Commissioner-General of the Royal Thai Police, as the chairman of the disciplinary investigation committee for Pol. Gen. Surachet Hakpal, former deputy commissioner-general of the Royal Thai Police, in the case of being accused of serious disciplinary violations from being charged with a criminal case of colluding with at least 2 people to launder money, colluding to launder money, and jointly laundering money, related to the investigation of the online website case in the area of Tao Poon Police Station, revealed the case of news that Pol. Gen. Surachet had requested jus
tice from Ms. Paethongtarn Shinawatra, the Prime Minister, that it was Pol. Gen. Surachet’s right, but he insisted that it was separate from the disciplinary investigation committee chaired by himself and was not related and did not need to be considered because the committee acted according to the framework and duties.

As for the progress of the committee’s investigation, after the written notification of the charges to Pol. Gen. Surachet, it is in the process of the accused coming to clarify. There may be a written explanation citing how many more witnesses there are. After that, the committee will bring the referenced persons in for questioning. Then, the committee will consider how much substance the accused’s witnesses have given. After that, the committee will call a meeting and make a resolution on when to call them in to acknowledge the charges.

Ready to state that after the written accusation was reported, with a time frame of 15 days, when the time was up, Pol. Gen. Surachet sent a letter requesti
ng an extension, claiming that there were many details to be explained, which he considered and saw that for the sake of fairness, he gave an extension. As for how many more days to be extended, it depends on the committee’s consideration of how many days are appropriate, and it is expected that there will be a discussion within this week.

As for the witnesses who testified about the financial trail, whether they will be able to refute the accusations or not, I can’t say yet. But I confirm that as the chairman, I will be fair for the committee members who may be sued later. Therefore, all committee members must act with caution. I emphasize 3 points: adhere to discipline, the law, and fairness.

Pol. Gen. Sarawut admitted that there is a possibility that the committee will complete its work before he retires. However, if it does not, the national police chief will have to appoint a new chairman and committee to continue the consideration from his committee, not starting from scratch. However, he cannot answe
r whether it will be completed or not yet. It depends on the evidence of the accused and how much witnesses the accused have to present, so he cannot answer yet. However, he asked people to be confident that the committee he is the chairman of has the knowledge and ability and believes that this case is definitely complete.

Source: Thai News Agency