“Pichit” insists he was not pressured to give up his ministerial seat.

Internal Affairs

Government House, “Pichit” does not reveal the reason for his decision to resign from his ministerial position. But he confirmed that no one was pressuring him to leave. Closing the car window without answering, hoping to save the Prime Minister’s seat or not?

Mr. Phichit Chuenban, former Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office Leaving the office at Command Building 1, Government House, at 4:10 p.m. with a smile on his face. to catch the bus leaving Government House The reporter inquired about the reason for his resignation, which Mr. Phichit said that he had informed the reason in the resignation form.

When asked if there was anyone pressuring him to resign from his position, Mr. Phichit said that there was no pressure from anyone. There was nothing.

When asked again that this morning he still expressed confidence that he would not resign, Mr. Phichit said that he had already told him this morning before denying that there was nothing.

As for what position he will hold after this, Mr. Phichit turned bac
k and answered to reporters whether he would let him work again or not. Before laughing and waving goodbye to the media and saying, “Cheer, Cheer”?

When asked if he had finally talked with the Prime Minister or not. Regarding his resignation, Mr. Phichit said that he was comfortable, that there was no pressure at all, and stated that “I am not attached to the position.”

As for when Mr. Phichit resigned from his position There is also the case of the Prime Minister who was impeached. Will the Constitutional Court dispose of the case or not? Mr. Phichit did not answer, only waved his hand and said: Bye bye media Before getting into the car Lower the window and wave goodbye again. Along with concluding saying, “Live for the person you love. From making people miss you My slogan is Work seriously, be honest with others.’

Reporters tried to ask: Was the reason for resigning because he wanted to prevent any impact on his position as Prime Minister? Mr. Phichit closed his car window and did not answer questions.
Before the car moved out of Government House.

Source: Thai News Agency