“Phumtham” debates 3 people’s rhetoric, says not to use sarcastic and degrading words

Internal Affairs

“Phumtham” debates the rhetoric of 3 opposition leaders, not to use sarcastic words to degrade and cause misunderstanding, but to work constructively, saying both digital wallets and drugs are important, depending on each family’s situation.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, Mr. Phumtham Vejjayachai, spoke about the case where Ms. Paethongtarn Shinawatra, Prime Minister, stated in the House of Representatives meeting yesterday (September 12) that the public reflected their desire to solve the drug problem before the digital wallet project. He said that the Ministry of Defense is already taking action and on Monday, September 16, when he will start working at the Ministry of Defense for the first time at 10:00 a.m., there will be a discussion to move forward fully. However, he believes that the public still has a desire for the digital wallet because it is a project related to the livelihood of the people. Both parts are important. The amount depends on the situation of each family. As for those
who do not have drug problems, they may be interested in the digital wallet. He emphasized that both issues are important, depending on the environment. The government must take action. As for the digital wallet phase two, for the general public, they do not want to look that far ahead. They want people to follow the digital wallet in phase one first to follow up on problems and shortcomings. He confirmed that he is trying to do everything in a complete cycle.

The reporter asked if the second phase would be completed by the end of this year. Mr. Phumtham emphasized that he asked to follow the progress of the project in phase one first. After it was completed, he would proceed with phase two as soon as possible. Whenever it was, then it was.

As for the opposition creating rhetoric about the 3 people, Mr. Phumtham said that the Prime Minister has already explained it with reason and what the Prime Minister is asking for is that the new generation act as a role model and not use sarcastic and degrading rhetori
c. Therefore, the new generation who want to know about new politics should avoid this rhetoric. Today, the country is facing many crises, both floods and living conditions. He wants serious and sincere suggestions to solve the problems. He should not use sarcastic and sarcastic rhetoric and then shorten it and present it on social media until it causes misunderstandings, as happened. Therefore, he would like to ask the new generation to help create something good for the next generation instead.

As for the lawsuits to disturb the Prime Minister, Mr. Phumtham believes that if it is something wrong, let the justice process do its job. If we just pay attention to it and pick it up to expand on it, it will go the way of those who released it. He also emphasized that the Pheu Thai Party also has 10 million votes, which are the voices of the people. The opposition should not use the more than 10 million votes they have received to devalue others because everything has value. We must respect and accept differences
, which is normal. Please prove yourself through actions, rather than proving yourself with rhetoric.

As for the accusation of being the real prime minister that has been raised in the House of Representatives many times, Mr. Phumtham said that whoever can speak, speak. The people will decide for themselves who is obsessed and cannot overcome some matters.

When asked if the government would complete its remaining three-year term, Mr. Phumtham said he was confident, but he thought the media should not ask questions, but rather what could be improved continuously, and the media could offer useful suggestions.

As for whether the annual military transfer and appointment list is complete or not, Mr. Phumtham said that there are still discussions and recommendations to be listened to.

Source: Thai News Agency