Pha Mueang soldiers clash with drug smuggling group, seizing more than 20 bags of methamphetamine.


Chiang Mai, Pha Muang soldiers seized drugs from a drug smuggling caravan, finding a total of 2.5 million methamphetamine tablets.

After soldiers fired their guns and clashed with a caravan of drug smugglers, The news team traveled to the area. And you can see that soldiers holding guns are heavily concentrated. to assess the situation But this time, the group of criminals managed to escape in time.

The incident occurred in the Pang Tong area. Thai-Myanmar border, Fang District, Chiang Mai Province In the early morning of today (January 28), the reporter received information that The total drug smuggling caravan consists of approximately 25-30 people and a guide group of 3-5 people who are fully armed. Trying to smuggle drugs into Thailand But came across soldiers from the Pha Mueang Army 1st Cavalry Platoon, 4th Cavalry Regiment, Pang Tong Base, Chaiyanupap Special Unit Pha Mueang First Army The officer then ordered the smugglers to disarm. But the smugglers returned fire and opened the way. This resulted
in a 10-minute exchange of fire and exchange until the early morning. Officials brought forces to inspect the collision point. Found 25 drug-packed backpacks containing a total of 2.5 million methamphetamine tablets. They were seized and sent to the police.

Maj. Gen. Praphat Phopsuwan, commander of the Pha Mueang Army Director of the Narcotics Prevention and Suppression Operations Center Pha Muang Army He has ordered personnel in the area to continue to increase strictness in intercepting and suppressing drugs.

Source: Thai News Agency