Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Labor prepares to present proposals from the private sector – labor Attend the Tripartite meeting tomorrow.


Ministry of Labor, Permanent Secretary of Labor reveals that he will present proposals from both the private sector that opposes them. and the labor side that supports raising the minimum wage to 400 baht equally throughout the country Attend the Tripartite meeting tomorrow. Ask for opinions on the provincial resolution first, but confirm that on Oct. 1, the minimum wage will be gradually adjusted to 400 baht nationwide. Trends divided by types of businesses that are ready

Mr. Pairoj Chotikasathien, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Labor Revealed after a meeting with representatives of the Thai Chamber of Commerce and the Thai Chamber of Commerce. and the Thai SMEs Confederation Submit a letter to Mr. Pipat Ratchakitprakarn, Minister of Labor. Express your stance of disagreement and opposition to the policy of adjusting the minimum wage to 400 baht equally throughout the country. But still supports the government to consider the policy of increasing the annual minimum wage according to the mechanism o
f the Wage Commission or tripartite. The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Labor said that the Ministry of Labor receives complaints and proposals from both the business sector and the private sector. of employees and will bring various discussions Attended the trilateral meeting tomorrow (May 14), which confirmed that there would be many more discussions. Before coming out a resolution that there would be details of a 400 baht wage increase, however, it was confirmed that on October 1st there would be a gradual increase in the minimum wage of 400 baht to cover the entire country. But you may also look at the readiness of each business venture. which meeting with entrepreneurs today He was glad that entrepreneurs agreed to increase the minimum wage. Raise the quality of life of workers But there may be some points of disagreement. It is an increase at the same rate starting at 400 baht nationwide. Confirm that the impact on both the employer and employee side will be taken into account. and a resolution
will be requested according to the tripartite mechanism. There will be a subcommittee to consider wages at the provincial level. I would like to ask for opinions on which businesses in each province are ready first. Tomorrow there may not be a clear detailed conclusion. But the Tripartite Meeting will be held once a month. It is expected that clear guidelines will be available before 1 October.

Dr. Chanin Chalisarapong, board member of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, said the private sector is willing to help the government raise workers’ income levels. But please listen to the impact in many areas. If you still insist on raising 400 baht equally throughout the country, it will affect such as SMEs, retail and wholesale, fresh markets, agricultural workers. which uses 10 million workers, which takes time to adjust, but if any business is ready, it must gradually adjust, especially with the Fresh Market Retail Association, which says that if today’s price increases to 400 baht, more than 80% of business owners w
ill not be able to survive and Submitting this letter At the Provincial Chamber of Commerce, all 76 provinces submitted letters of opposition at the same time. Including 92 trade associations consisting of factory owners and entrepreneurs of more than 15,000 companies submitted simultaneously, supporting the government to consider the policy of increasing the annual minimum wage according to the tripartite mechanism system. which is considered by the sub-committee considering the minimum wage rate for each province and study and consider the facts appropriately by taking into account the cost of living index Inflation rate Production costs and the ability of the business as required by law

by private sector representatives He also added that I understand that increasing wages is a government policy. But the private sector also emphasized that The adjustment has an adjustment mechanism. The current economic situation should also be taken into account. Because we have to admit that even after the COVID crisis,
many businesses still haven’t recovered well. And this year’s minimum wage adjustment has been adjusted 2 times, namely 1 Jan. 2024 and 13 Apr. 2024. If it will be increased again this year, considered unreasonable at the time According to economic indicators However, the private sector is willing to cooperate on what to do to ensure fair wages for both business operators and employees to survive.

While last morning Atmosphere in front of the Ministry of Labor building, there were representatives from the Thai Labor Solidarity Confederation (SLA), led by Mr. Sawit Kaewwan, president of SLA, and the State Enterprise Labor Relations Confederation (SLA), led by Mr. Manop. Kuerarat, secretary-general of the Thai Health Promotion Foundation, gathered together to submit a letter to the Minister of Labor. Support raising the minimum wage at the same rate throughout the country and be fair to workers in order to improve the quality of life of workers and propose that the minimum wage be set as the first wage and be
given to all establishments. Prepare a wage structure to cover both public and private sector employees and service sector workers for fairness. Along with bringing food and household items with increased prices to call on the government to help take care of the cost of living as well. and want to communicate that various products The parade of price increases has an equal impact on the entire country. But why are the wage increases not equal?

Source: Thai News Agency