PEA recommends some good tips. How to use the air conditioner to save money


PEA recommends good tips. How to use the air conditioner to save money

? Choose the air conditioner BTU to suit the size of the room. To make the air conditioner work at full efficiency

? Place the compressor in the shade. and good ventilation Doesn’t make the machine too hot.

? Clean the air conditioner regularly every 6 months or 2 times a year to help prolong its lifespan.

? Set a timer to turn off the air conditioner. About 15-30 minutes before waking up

? Turn on the fan to expel hot air. To help reduce heat points in the room And helps cool air from the air conditioner circulate thoroughly.

? Clean the air filter regularly. To eliminate dust that blocks the flow of air conditioning air

? Close doors and windows tightly. To prevent hot and humid air from entering Which is a factor that makes the air conditioner work harder.

Source: Thai News Agency