PDRC cheers after the court points out that amending Section 112 will overthrow the government.

Internal Affairs

Constitutional Court, “The PDRC” cheers after the Constitutional Court ruled on proposing amendments to Section 112 to overthrow the government.

Reporters reported that After the Constitutional Court ruled that Mr. Pitha’s actions Limcharoenrat Party leaders advanced at that time and the Forward Party as the respondent Proposes an amendment to Section 112 of the Criminal Code and uses it for campaigning. It is the use of rights and freedoms to overthrow the democratic regime of government with the King as Head of State according to Section 49, paragraph one of the Constitution, and ordering the two respondent groups to cease their actions. and stop expressing opinions, speaking, writing, printing, advertising, and communicating by other means in order to repeal Section 112 of the Criminal Code and prevent amendments to Law Section 112 through non-legislative means that will continue to occur. In the future too

Forward Party supporters who came to support and wait to hear the decision of the Constitutional
Court were excited about the decision. When they heard the results, they all cried and had sad expressions on their faces. before traveling back

While the People’s Center for the Protection of Institutions (CDC) group also came to wait to hear the decision. expressed happiness Along with holding up a finger, Mr. Anon Klinkaew, leader of the PDRC group, told the media that today the PDRC came to support Mr. Teerayut Suwankaesorn, former lawyer Phra Buddha Isara, who complained and followed. The situation has been around since the time of the Forward Party campaigning. and came to hear the verdict

‘I believe that Thai people all over the country are happy. along with those of us who have marched to protect the monarchy for many years We do not waste our energy, we do not waste our products. We send a message to our Thai brothers and sisters all over the country that The monarchy still exists with the Thai people. And Section 112 of the law will protect our King,’ Mr. Anon said.

As for dealing with those who
see things differently, Mr. Anon stated that those who see things differently or want to amend Section 112 or propose an amnesty law We will respond by reporting legal action. Since 2020, we have filed several legal cases. Including big politicians. The matter is currently in the court process. Therefore, responding to the legal process is the best response

As for how to communicate so that there are no conflicts, Mr. Anon stated that we try to communicate with both sides. When we go to court, we talk with the opposite side. Give your full testimony, confirming that Section 112 of the Criminal Code does not force anyone to love you. But there are people who come to disobey. Everyone must understand this. Therefore, the Narcotics Control Board and many institutional protection groups Still working on reporting the matter under Section 112 and protecting the institution.

After the Constitutional Court finished reading its decision, Mr. Waranchai Chokchana, a political activist, and supporters of the Progressi
ve Party who came to listen to the decision of the Constitutional Court There was a collision with Mr. Anon Klinkaew, leader of the PDRC group, while he was returning. But in the end, the incident did not escalate at all.

Source: Thai News Agency