Papua government to participate in national Cheap Food Movement


Jayapura (ANTARA) – The Papua Provincial Government expressed readiness to hold bazaars in several districts and cities under the national Cheap Food Movement (GPM), the launch for which will be led by Home Affairs Minister Tito Karnavian virtually.Papua Regional Secretariat’s Acting Assistant of Economy and Welfare Suzana Wanggai stated in Jayapura on Friday that the bazaar activity will be held from Monday (June 26). She is also optimistic that the public can make the most of the activity. “We have conducted inspections in a number of regions, and we found that everything is all set,” she noted. Wanggai remarked that implementation of the movement in Papua Province will be undertaken by the governments of the province, Jayapura City, and Jayapura District at several locations, namely the courtyard of the Papua Governor’s Office, Heram Sub-district’s hall, and Gunung Merah Sentani respectively. “We (the Papua government) are focusing on three places, but nationwide, the bazaars will be held simultaneously,” she stated. ccording to Wanggai, the movement constitutes a nationwide program under the collaboration of the governments at the central, provincial, and district levels across Indonesia, so it will be implemented simultaneously at a total of 290 locations. The movement serves as the government’s measure to control the inflation rate and maintain economic stability, she remarked. “The government has set focus on handling this matter. However, all parties need to collaborate and exert concrete efforts to suppress the increase in prices, especially the prices of basic necessities,” she remarked. Meanwhile, Head of Papua Province’s Agriculture and Food Office Samuel Siriiwa remarked that food commodities that will be offered at bazaars are processed fish, cooking oil, rice, chicken meat, eggs, sugar, chilies, shallots, garlic, and several other basic commodities.

Source: Antara News Agency