Pak Khlong Talat, rose prices this year are not very high yet.


Bangkok, 14 February, Valentine’s Day. Go see the rose trading atmosphere at Pak Khlong Talat. It’s not lively today. Meanwhile, Chiang Mai rose gardeners encountered inclement weather. Roses bloom prematurely Missed a golden opportunity during Valentine’s Day

Atmosphere at Pak Khlong Talat This period is especially bright. All shops order flowers to support the Valentine’s Day festival. Both Thai flowers and imported from abroad. There are both bundles and bunches. For example, the Anchan fresh flower shop that sells bouquets said that there aren’t many customers in the morning. It is expected that there will be a lot from afternoon to evening. Because most customers are working people. I’m going to buy flowers after work. Only during Valentine’s Day the shop is open 24 hours, both calling to order and coming to buy at the storefront. This Valentine’s Day, a customer came to order a large bouquet of 99 flowers, priced at 25,000 baht.

As for this merchant, he said This year there are few roses. At first I
thought there would not be enough to sell. But until today, there aren’t many customers, even though the price of roses this year is not very high. Compared to before the Covid outbreak, for example red roses from foreign species but grown in Thailand, large flowers arranged in bundles of 25 roses per bundle, priced at 250 baht, only 10 baht per flower, which during Valentine’s Day in the past could not be found at this price. At least 50 baht per flower, while 50 small Thai roses sell for 300 baht.

The merchant said that for the beautiful bouquets, the starting price is around 500 baht. After COVID-19, people’s ways have changed. Some people order gifts online. Or some people give money instead of flowers. As for artificial flower shops and fake flowers, there are cute red products for sale, including teddy bears. red heart shaped pillow Some shops also bring lottery tickets to organize bouquets. Comes with 100 baht banknotes and flowers beautifully arranged in a set. The price is 1,650 baht and up. Anyone
with a small budget can have a bouquet of 20 baht bills, set with artificial roses and little bears for less than 200 baht.

Roses bloom prematurely Sales during Valentine’s Day in Chiang Mai Province

Rose gardeners in Buak Toei Village On a high mountain in Pong Yaeng Subdistrict, Mae Rim District, Chiang Mai faces the problem of unstable weather, including cold, rain and hot weather, causing roses to bloom less. In addition, diseases and insects were encountered, the flowers were not beautiful, many garden owners had to cut them off. Importantly, the inclement weather caused the roses to bloom more than a week earlier than usual, 2-3 days before Valentine’s Day. This year, we had to agree to sell them to middlemen at the normal price. The price at the garden counter, a bundle of 25 flowers, sells for 150-200 baht, instead of normal. During Valentine’s Day, the price will be as high as 250-300 baht per bundle, causing many farmers to suffer losses. Meanwhile, some rose growers have adjusted their sales stra
tegies. Changed to selling rose plants online, selling nearly a hundred pots per month. until having additional income of several thousand baht .

Source: Thai News Agency