“Padipat” explains the results of the council’s operations.

Internal Affairs

Parliament, “Padipat” explains the work of the parliament in the past. and prepare development plans in many areas in 2024

Mr. Padipat Santipada, 1st Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, announced the results of the House of Representatives’ operations. In the past that there are goals that have been implemented is public participation which has been accomplished By the last Constitution Day Organized activities Including a large number of discussions from the public sector. There was also a contest for photographs and drawings related to Parliament. It is considered a reflection to the people that the Parliament and the people are able to participate together. And in the future there will be more activities for children and youth.

As for the people coming to complain to the council. Regulations have been adjusted to bring people closer to the council. Especially the matter of dress. to dress appropriately according to one’s status Or what is also called Thanurup. In addition, there are also pre
parations for having observers from the public sector to follow up. Implementation of the 2024 Budget Law to resolve questions about how the public budget and taxes are allocated.

While information is a matter of transparency The database has been successfully created. whose legal status is reported The public can go to the parliament website and follow the status of the draft law to see how far it has gone. which is now being developed to be more complete

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Mr. Padipat said that for what will be carried out this year Including raising the level of parliament is public participation At this time, the People’s Activity Plaza will hold more activities with the public sector. This is in accordance with the freedom of the people according to the constitution. Soon there will be activities from the public sector regarding the amnesty law, etc., confirmin
g that there is no limit to the scope of the campaign. Can this be done or not? Because the rights of the people should be fully enjoyed. In addition, this year the driving plan will be implemented more than before. and will accelerate the creation of legislative connections in the region as well.

Source: Thai News Agency