Omkoi District, Chiang Mai Province, water levels have started to recede.


Omkoi District, Chiang Mai Province, water levels have started to recede after the Mae Taew River swept away a wooden bridge. Soldiers and villagers are helping to pull the bridge that was swept away by the water to rebuild it. In Fang District, water levels have receded to some extent and the highway is passable.

In Chiang Mai Province, Mae Tuen Subdistrict, Omkoi District, the water situation has begun to recede after continuous heavy rain caused flash floods to flow into the Mae Tay River. The rapid currents have damaged the wooden bridge across the Mae Tay River, approximately 10 meters wide, which connects Mae Tay Village to Sibra Village, Mae Tay Subdistrict, making it impossible for any type of vehicle to pass. The flash flood came and went quickly.

After the water receded, officials and villagers mobilized to help collect pieces, remains of the wooden bridge, and stumps that were carried by the water, including wooden pillars and the wooden bridge that were scattered and carried by the water. They
tied ropes and helped drag them to build a new temporary wooden bridge. However, it is still not complete, so only motorcycles can pass through. Cars are still unable to pass through. It is expected to take another 1-2 days, but the only vehicles that can pass through must be four-wheel drive vehicles. They are waiting for government agencies or local administrative organizations to come and help build a new bridge for safety. This has made it difficult for villagers in Sibra Village, Mae Tuen Subdistrict, which is about 10 kilometers away from this point, to enter and exit. In addition, there are still landslides along the route.

Fang District, the water has receded, cleaning has begun, the highway is passable.

In Fang District, the Chiang Mai Irrigation Project brought in water trucks, excavators, and water pumps to urgently help the villagers. Most recently, the water has flooded 4 sub-districts, 33 villages, 3,000 households, and 9,000 people, with water still stagnant. In the Maw River basin, several v
illages are still heavily flooded, making it difficult to enter or exit. The water level is too deep for cars to pass through. Rain has continued to fall intermittently, sometimes heavily, sometimes lightly, and not in all areas. When the water recedes, they will survey the damage to crops, gardens, and all of the people’s homes again.

In the morning, the water level has decreased in some areas, but some areas are still flooded because the drainage is not fast enough. The water level in the streams is still full to the banks. Both the Subdistrict Administrative Organization and the Municipality have mobilized staff to clean up dangerous areas first to make travel convenient and safe for people using the roads.

As for Highway 107-1089, it is usable. There will be some water in some sections. Small cars and motorcycles can pass, but if you want convenience and safety, you may want to avoid using the bypass road because the water has all dried up. Government assistance must wait for the water to dry up in orde
r to conduct a detailed survey. Relevant agencies are ready to provide assistance. Villagers have come out to clean up before the water recedes to make it easier to clean up. Government officials will provide assistance today, but it will be mainly for the general public first before they can provide assistance to the people in the alleys.

Source: Thai News Agency