Need integrated development of electric vehicles ecosystem: minister


The development of electric vehicles must be undertaken in an integrated manner by involving government and private entities, and not separately, Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi has said.

“In the development of electric vehicles, it must be done in an integrated way. Synergy between government or private companies can push the development of the integrated electric vehicles ecosystem in Indonesia,” the minister explained here, on Wednesday.

Efforts to develop electric vehicles are important to counter climate change, in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 55 of 2019 on the program for battery-based electric vehicles development for road transportation, as well as other derivative regulations from relevant ministries or agencies, he added.

The government is aiming to cut CO2 emissions by 29–41 percent by 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2060, he said.

The government has also formulated some policies, such as popularizing electric vehicles and developing the eco-friendly industry.

Sumadi responded positively to five branded agents (APM) who have helped the government in pursuing its goals by operating electric vehicles in Bali, either commercial rides or public transportation.

“I welcome the synergy and effort from companies that have popularized battery-based electric vehicles. I expect that collaboration through the development of the electrification mobility ecosystem would support the (efforts to create an) integrated electric vehicles ecosystem, coming 2030, and net-zero emissions in 2060,” he said.

He opined that the choice to develop the electric vehicle ecosystem in Bali, as one of the tourist destinations, is fitting since it would enable the message to be taken to the public promptly.

The synergy and efforts from the brands are expected to run consistently, he said, and urged them to showcase their electric vehicles during G20 events.

“I urge everyone to showcase their electric vehicle products, so people can appreciate and grow interested in using electric vehicles,” he said.

“I hope the electric vehicle ecosystem can become a must, which will bring greater good, (in order to gear) Indonesia (toward) sustainability,” Minister Sumadi added.

Source: Antara News