Myanmar Army sends MiG-29 fly bomb Fierce clash over Myawaddy


Tak, Fierce clash over Myawaddy city. Myanmar Air Force uses MiG-29 fighter jets. Drop bombs on opposition soldiers. Prevent the capture of Phasong Camp The last stronghold while the Thai side strengthens its sovereignty defense

Unrest situation in Myawaddy City Myanmar Can be seen from Mae Sot District, Tak Province, Thailand, last noon. Gunshots and explosions could be heard continuously. This latest shooting began in the early hours of the morning. The opposition military consists of the Karen National Union or KNU and the Karen National Liberation Army. or KNLA and the People’s Protection Force (PDF) soldiers leading hundreds of troops. Complete with weapons Attacked Phasong Camp, Battalion 275, the last remaining Burmese military base in Myawaddy. Which is approximately 5 kilometers from the Thai border. The exchange of fire with various heavy weapons caused several fires. Until black smoke rose and covered the entire city.

Opposition troops were then able to destroy part of the Phasong camp’s perimet
er wall. But they still failed to capture the camp. due to being countered by MiG-29 fighter planes of the Myanmar Air Force which flew attacks and bombed loudly across the Thai-Myanmar border. This caused great shock to both the Thai and Myanmar sides.

As for the Mae Sot Permanent Border Checkpoint No. 1, many Myawaddy residents walked across the border through the First Thai-Myanmar Friendship Bridge, causing traffic congestion in that area. and filled with many Myawaddy people lining up to inspect temporary border crossings to enter Thailand legally.

One resident of Myawaddy said that Decided to leave home Crossed the border to stay at a relative’s house on the Mae Sot side. due to uncertainty in the situation Because shooting clashes may spread into urban areas at any time. Many of the remaining Myawaddy residents are still waiting to see the situation throughout the night. before deciding

Recently, it was reported that there had been shooting and fighting throughout the day. causing many soldiers on b
oth sides to be injured At this time, Myanmar army soldiers along with armored vehicles rushed to reinforce their forces at Phasong Camp. Expected to arrive tonight and may make the situation even more stressful.

On the Thai side, officials including soldiers, police, and government officials deployed forces with armed vehicles. and armored vehicles Seize the Mae Sot border at every point. Including strengthening forces and weapons to maintain security around the 1st Thai-Myanmar Friendship Bridge. Thai security agencies are also closely monitoring the situation. And it has not been found that this time Myanmar’s fighting and air attacks have crossed the border. or affect the Thai side

While the Air Force page Released images of an F-16 aircraft flying over the airspace. With the message: “24/7 All Day and Night …our falcons maintain utmost readiness. Air Force prepares air defense.”

from the unrest situation along the border The Air Force continues to fly reconnaissance missions. To protect the sovereig
nty and the Thai people

. The news source stated that Surveillance flight operations will be conducted at the appropriate time. Confirmed that he is still closely monitoring the incident. in order not to affect the border or there is an invasion of sovereignty There are already procedures in place in cases of border crossing. By coordinating and notify first.

Source: Thai News Agency