MPR deputy speaker urges govt to prepare Umrah departure rules

Internal Affairs

Deputy Speaker of the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR RI) Hidayat Nur Wahid has urged the government to prepare regulations and facilities for the departure of Umrah pilgrims to Saudi Arabia.

He made the request after the Saudi government announced the reopening of direct flights from several countries, including Indonesia, from December 1, 2021.

“We must utilize the momentum to enhance our performance by ensuring the safety, health, and security of Umrah pilgrims,” Wahid said in a written statement here on Monday.

The deputy speaker urged the Religious Affairs and Health ministries to cooperate and conceive measures to prevent COVID-19 transmission, including ensuring the availability of vaccine boosters and accurate swab test equipment for pilgrims before their departure to Saudi Arabia.

Wahid also urged the authorities to coordinate with airlines serving Umrah pilgrims to ensure strict in-flight health protocols.

He also highlighted the importance of maintaining the stability of flight ticket prices for pilgrims’ convenience, saying the pandemic has significantly impacted most pilgrims’ economic conditions.

“We hope the government would enact a regulation that provides convenience for passengers, protects them from COVID-19 infection, particularly from the newly-emerged Omicron variant, and ensures affordable flight tickets,” Wahid said.

By ensuring health protocols and providing convenient facilities to pilgrims, Indonesia would be allowed to send more Umrah pilgrims as the Saudi authority’s trust in health protocols applied by Indonesia increases, he added.

The deputy speaker urged Umrah pilgrims to pray Indonesia emerges from the pandemic safely during their pilgrimage.

He also lauded the “effective” diplomacy conducted by the Foreign Affairs Ministry, Health Ministry, and Religious Affairs Ministry in convincing their Saudi counterparts to reopen their doors for Indonesia Umrah pilgrims.

“We appreciated the effective diplomacy performed by our officials from the Religious Affairs Ministry, Foreign Affairs Ministry, and Health Ministry. We are also thankful to the Saudi authority for reopening direct flights from several countries, including Indonesia, to their country,” Wahid remarked.

Source: Antara News