“Mongkolkit” is happy to belong to the Democrat Party. It was his intention since childhood.

Internal Affairs

Bangkok, “Mongkhonkit” is happy to be a party member. “Democrat” and said it was my intention since childhood. Ready to work if the party deems it appropriate Willing to bring experience from being in the opposition to help the party. Declare to respond to the government in every form. Because I haven’t seen the work yet.

Mr. Mongkolkit Suksintharanon Former leader of the Thai Sriwilai Party As a member of the Democrat Party Said before attending the 2024 Annual General Meeting that today he received a party membership card and was quite happy. Because he has an impression of the Democrat Party since childhood, when he used to watch Mr. Chuan Leekpai. and Mr. Banyat Norms discussed in parliament He intended to not be a Democrat Party politician when he grew up, but with insufficient experience. Therefore, he did not apply to be a party member from the beginning. and feel proud of being a member of the Democrat Party, but still love the same party because the same party made him a member of the House of Repr
esentatives, but the Democrat Party is a party that has been in my heart for a long time and will probably be in the hearts of many people and think That the year 67 is a good sign that I want to invite people, both the new generation, the old generation, and the middle generation, to apply for membership in the Democrat Party because there is space for people of every generation to create and make the Democrat Party the main party of Thailand. Whether it’s the opposition or the government. can counterbalance society and can be the basis for Thailand And he believes that the Democrat Party will return to be as great as it was in the ’70s, but it must have the support of every citizen.

Meanwhile, the Thai Sriwilai Party is the operation of the old party executive committee. which he sees as an internship at a small party before working at a major political party Help the people Working in the legislative field Before becoming a representative of the people Know right from wrong, distinguish right from wrong,
and be able to work for the people as a large party with quite a lot of discipline and a party system. It is a big boat with many skilled rowers in the Democrat Party. Strong rowers will be sent to become real rowers. And when the time came for a bigger boat We need to get more rowers, like members of the House of Representatives who will be a refuge for the people in the future.

‘Currently, the justice process in Thailand is not of double standards, but there is no standard. I believe that the Democrat Party will make the country’s core. The principles of justice are restored as before. And it is the main rest in order to continue protecting the benefits for the people,’ Mr. Mongkolkit said.

Mr. Mongkolkit also said that Originally intended to join the Democrat Party a long time ago but with qualifications and no experience. and still lacks many other techniques. But he has interned for the Thai Civilai Party for 4 years as a member of the House of Representatives and has been in the opposition for over 3
years. In his first term as an MP, he had to be in the legislative branch. The inspection department will know what is right and what is wrong. He will use his knowledge and skills from being in the opposition to help the Democrat Party work as the opposition.

However, if the party is dissolved next month There were elections in 8 districts. It had to be up to the discretion of the party leader as to how to send people to run for MP, but he was ready. But if there was no dissolution of the party, there would be no by-elections. We would have to wait for 2070 in the 3rd period. This year, if the party sees that it can work in the area, it is ready to go to the area and help the people.

However, if the party assigns him any duty, he is ready to do his best. Ready to respond in every form because at present the government has not had any results yet. Its only achievement is to bring Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, former prime minister. Go home without going to jail. causing the justice process to be distorted As for
other matters, there hasn’t been any work yet. While the digital wallet project If we continue, the debt will be 300,000 million baht. But there is a process that may involve various forms of corruption, but it is not said who is dishonest because the project has not yet taken place. If you really give it to the people And the debt must be in cash, like during the project of General Prayut Chan-o-cha, in which tourism will be able to continue. Because during the time of General Prayut, the foundation was already well laid.

Source: Thai News Agency