Minister outlines five characters youngsters should have


Jakarta (ANTARA) – Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy outlined five important characters that Indonesia’s younger generation should have to become quality and competitive human resources.”Indonesian youngsters should have five important characters. The first is curiosity or critical thinking,” he said in a statement that ANTARAreceived here Sunday. Effendy added that the second character is relared to willingness to be creative and innovative. The third is having communicative capability or have the ability to socially communicate. The fourth is related to capability to collaborate or mutually aid one another while the fifth is related to having good self-confidence. “By developing these five characters, Indonesian youngsters are expected to become the nation’s successors who are capable to realize Indonesia’s 2045 Vision,” he said. Shaping children’s great characters requires the active role of all parties starting from families, schools or education institutions, and communities, Effendy added. In this regard, the ministry continues to push character education strengthening to realize a golden and high-quality generation. Meanwhile, Deputy for Coordinating Education Quality and Religious Moderation Improvement at the ministry Warsito said there are four aspects that can affect efforts to shape the children’s characters. These four aspects comprise school environment, family environment, community environment, and digital world environment. “If in the past, children’s character education can be formed through school, family and community, in the current era, there is also the digital world environment,” he noted. ll parties should pay serious attention to these four aspects to support the children’s character education, Warsito said. In this regard, he digital world should receive more attention given that children currently spend a lot of time for accessing the internet. They also have convenience of accessing various information in the digital world, he noted. baca-jugaRelated news: andgtovt outlines four aspects affecting character building in childrenRelated news: Scouting beneficial for character building in children: academician

Source: Antara News Agency (ANA)