Minister of Agriculture tosses to Ministry of Natural Resources to handle the Tap Lan issue

Internal Affairs

Government House, Lt. Col. Thammanat, Minister of Agriculture, has thrown the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to resolve the land overlap issue at Tap Lan National Park before the Sor Por Kor distributes land for farmers. He pointed out that the perpetrators must be separated from the people’s problems. He insisted that he did not argue with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

Colonel Thammanat Prompao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, spoke about the case of objecting to the revocation of the Thap Lan National Park area and allocating land for farming to the people, saying that the current process is not part of the Ministry of Agriculture. In the past, every matter under the Ministry of Agriculture has worked under the National Policy Committee. For land issues, there is the National Land Policy Committee or NLA, and for rice issues, there is the National Rice Policy Committee.

The case of Tap Lan National Park has
occurred in several governments, but was concluded in early 2023 in the previous government. Regarding the adjustment of the 2000 boundary, after the cabinet approved it, it was a matter for the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to proceed with the National Park Department. Currently, there is a hearing of local people’s opinions. Please understand that this matter did not occur in the current government. Please do not mix it up and misunderstand it. As I am overseeing the SorPorKor, which is an agency that receives policy from the National Land Policy Committee (NLPC), no matter what the NLPC approves, it will be presented to the cabinet. When it approves that the SorPorKor will allocate land to farmers, it will be implemented. Please understand that I have seen some media outlets attack the SorPorKor, which will cause damage.

When asked if the problematic land at Tap Lan National Park overlapped with some resorts where the Palang Pracharath Party had held a seminar in 2019 and later had a cabin
et resolution, Colonel Thammanat said he was not aware of this matter.

Regarding the overlapping land of approximately 150,000 rai, of which it was found to belong to capitalists and villagers, Colonel Thammanat said that the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation has a committee to inspect and clearly classify the land that the people have complained about, not to generalize it all, which led to the meeting of the Community Forest Policy Committee (CPPC) and emphasized that there must be a clear classification of the boundaries of where to conserve as forest and where the villagers already live. Many people who have come out to present their information have correct information, but it must be understood that this case is a resolution of a dispute between the state and the people. There are measures and procedures, so please be patient because it is in the process of holding a public hearing.

As for which map to use for the zoning, Colonel Thammanat said that we are administering the
country under the current constitution. In this regard, any agency that will take action must submit the resolution passed by the Land Policy Committee to the Cabinet.

When asked about the issuance of Sor Por Kor land overlapping national parks in many areas, Colonel Thammanat confirmed that the Ministry of Agriculture is the implementing agency that must follow the resolution of the cabinet. If we approve something, we must implement it. If we do not, we will be charged with Section 157. Therefore, this matter has not reached the Sor Por Kor process yet. Right now, it is up to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to take action. After the Department of National Parks approves something, there must be a clear solution to the problem. Wherever there is a group of capitalists encroaching, they must be issued an arrest warrant and prosecuted. Therefore, we must distinguish between those who have committed illegal acts and those who are problems for the people.

Many people are worried that if the d
emarcation is issued, it will be an amnesty for all capitalists. Colonel Thammanat stated that it must be clearly separated into what is a capital group and what is a farmer.

Colonel Thammanat also confirmed that this is not a conflict between the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment because we have been talking about this all the time and I have discussed it with all parties, including the Minister and Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, and there are no problems. It has not yet reached the process where the ALRO will take action.

Regarding the frequent disagreements between the two ministries, Colonel Thammanat said that we now have a committee that works together.

Source: Thai News Agency