‘Lawyer James’ brings problematic food supplements FDA inspects and compares


Ministry of Public Health, ‘Lawyer James’ brings nutritional supplements to FDA checks and compares both real and fake products. Confident that the previous check was 100% fake.

Lawyer James Nitithorn Kaewto, lawyer for Benz Pornchita and Mick Boromwut, has come to the Ministry of Public Health. To bring dietary supplements from every batch produced Come to the Food and Drug Administration or FDA to check for dangerous contaminants in the product to see if they really exist or not. It is also a confirmation of purity. with Captain Thanakrit Jitareerat Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Public Health Take matters into your own hands

Lawyer James stated that today he has brought both genuine products. and the counterfeit items were brought to the Department of Medical Sciences for inspection. The real one has lots in months 02, 03 and 04 because the lot in month 01 has already been sold out. The fake part is from the lot dated 10/01/2024 that has been inspected previously. Lawyer James further explained t
hat in January There are so many product orders that the product is out of stock. And there are a lot of fake things popping up. Just discovered in March that there was a counterfeit product. They were lured and bought many times. And every time we get the product, it will be the production lot 10/01/2024 every time. This matter has been announced. and reported the matter on March 20, 2024, after which the brand changed the packaging in April. The front of the box also had the signature of Benz Pornchita, and after that the old products were recalled. and send new products to all agents free of charge And always sold with signatures until May when there was a new type of sale. But there are still old style boxes on the market. which is fake By observation method is Counterfeits have the production lot number slit on them. The moisture-proof packet is opaque white. The product is brown. And the price is less than 200 baht. For genuine parts, the production lot number will not be the same for every box. Because
the numbers are run according to the production lot. Clear moisture-proof bag And the product is white, priced at 690 baht.

Dr. Pichet Banyat, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Medical Sciences Has added information that Delivery for inspection will only inspect the items that are brought for inspection. and report results for just that product That doesn’t mean the whole lot doesn’t contain substances. But the products that were tested did not contain the substances. Other dietary supplements Or cosmetics also have lab results. which the substance cybutramine Acts on the nerves Makes you not want to eat, not hungry, but the side effect is that it stimulates the work of the heart and blood vessels. A heart attack may occur, the heart stops working. and may be serious and even cause death.

Mr. Kong Tri Thanakrit stated that previously the The FDA has received complaints about the said product. So it was checked by the FDA. I don’t know which ones are real or fake. All I know is this brand. After c
hecking, the substance was found. You must inform the brand owner. Later, brand executives informed that they had similar products. It is a counterfeit product sold in the market. Contains cybrutramine. Today, Attorney James has brought both genuine and imitations for comparison in various production periods. The inspection takes 7-10 days to know the results, confirming the work is done honestly. and provide fairness to all parties

Lawyer James further stated that on June 17, there was a trend that The Crime Suppression Division issued the summons. He has not received a warrant yet. Therefore, we still don’t know what kind of summons it is. Mick Boromwut has not received the summons either. Both of them were not worried about anything.

Source: Thai News Agency