Lampung releases one mln fish seeds to preserve endemic species


The Lampung provincial government has released one million endemic fish seeds in Tulang Bawang District to prevent the extinction of local fish populations in the area.

“Today, we distributed one million endemic fish seeds in the public waters in Tulang Bawang River, namely in the Cakat Bridge River and the Tulang Bawang River’s mouth,” Lampung Governor Arinal Djunaidi said in Bandarlampung on Wednesday.

The fish seeds were released to restore the local endemic fish population, which is close to extinction at several locations, he informed.

“To realize abundant and sustainable fishery resources, all parties must participate in this restocking program, especially to maintain the endemic fish ecosystem of Lampung,” Djunaidi said.

He also asked mayors and regional heads to allocate a regional budget for each region for fish restocking activities to maintain the sustainability of endemic fish populations in the regions.

“Let us take care of the environment and resources in Lampung. Catch fish in a legal manner and maintain the sustainability of the ecosystem,” Djunaidi emphasized.

Besides the local government, the community and traditional leaders are also expected to carry out surveillance and law enforcement against activities that have the potential to damage ecosystems in public waters or the seas, he said.

“Everyone must participate in preserving endemic fish because there are many kinds of endemic fishes in Lampung as the community’s main consumption. Therefore, it must be maintained,” he added.

The fish seeds released on the Cakat Nyenyek Bridge River’s border in Tulang Bawang district comprised 5 thousand Belida fish, 100 thousand Jelawat fish, and 200 thousand Baung fish seeds.

Meanwhile, the fish seeds released in the Tulang Bawang River’s mouth included 445 thousand Salin Tilapia, 250 thousand milkfish, and 50 thousand white snapper seeds.

Further, at least 400 thousand fish seeds of Jelawat and Nilem fish were released in the Tulang Bawang river.

Lampung Province, whose marine waters make up 41.2 percent of the total area of the province, has a variety of maritime potentials, including in capture fisheries, with a production target of 193,509 tons this year, and other fishery potential in public waters, with production reaching 4,675 tons in 2020.

There are several large rivers in Lampung that support the fisheries sector namely Way Sekampung, Way Semangka, Way Seputih, Way Jepara, Way Tulang Bawang, and Way Mesuji, which are the habitat of the endemic fish of Lampung.


Source: Antara News

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