Kwan Phayao Lake exceeds capacity, overflowing into communities


Water in Kwan Phayao exceeds capacity, overflowing into more than 100 houses in the Phayao Municipality community – The bus station is flooded.

The water from Kwan Phayao, which exceeds its capacity, has overflowed into more than 100 houses in the Phayao Municipality community. In some areas, the water level is higher than 30 centimeters. This has also affected the Phayao passenger transport station because right now, the water is flooded. Passengers must use the road in front to board buses.

For the amount of water in Kwan Phayao, it is at 68.428 million cubic meters from the storage capacity of 55.650 million cubic meters, so it is predicted that the Phayao Irrigation Department will have to quickly drain water from Kwan Phayao, which may affect downstream areas.

While the Office of National Water Resources summarized the overall water situation this morning, emphasizing that the highest amount of accumulated rainfall in the North is still in Nan Province, and warning to be careful of the monsoon troug
h that will pass through in the next 1-2 days, which will cause heavy and very heavy rainfall in the North, causing flash floods and forest runoff during August 24-30. As for the flood situation in the North and Northeast, it has increased to 7 provinces, including Chiang Rai, Phayao, Lampang, Nan, Phrae, Phetchabun and Udon Thani. –

Source: Thai News Agency