KSP asks civil apparatus to ‘spread G20 fever’

Internal Affairs

Deputy Chief of Staff for Information and Political Communication at the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Juri Ardiantoro has asked state civil apparatuses (ASN) to turn communicators and promote Indonesia’s G20 Presidency and “spread the G20 fever” among the public.

“We have more than 30 ministries or institutions, 34 provinces, and 514 districts or cities, in addition to sub-districts and villages in Indonesia,” he said in a written statement released on Saturday.

“Imagine how many civil servants and government officials we could encourage to become communicators to glorify the issue of G20 and spread the G20 fever,” he said during an online seminar.

An important strategy to disseminate information about the G20 events and promote them is strong collaboration between all civil servants, government’s bureaucratic branches, the public, and several other parties, he added.

The central government is encouraging regional governments and officials in sub-districts and villages to communicate about G20 issues, Ardiantoro informed.

“We need to deliver a message to the people that Indonesia is a strong country and has much capital to withstand problems,” he remarked.

“Moreover, we need to show that Indonesia is currently playing an important role on the international stage,” he added.

He said he expects Indonesia’s G20 Presidency to become a legacy of the Widodo-Amin administration and strengthen the public’s trust in the government’s performance.

The KSP is actively collaborating with the Ministry of Communication and Informatics as well as the Ministry of State Secretariat for integrating narratives to disseminate information about the G20 Presidency, he added.

“There is a growing perception among the public that the G20 is an elitist issue that does not concern the people,” Ministry of State Secretariat’s secretary, Setya Utama, noted.

“This is a challenge for us to disseminate on the issue of G20 so that it becomes easier to understand and becomes a collective issue that belongs to the people at the grassroots level,” he added.

Source: Antara News