“Jurin” points out that amnesty must not include offenses under Section 112.

Internal Affairs

Jurin” points out that amnesty can be done. But the more chaos the royal procession caused, the more it reinforced it. The offense under Section 112 must not be included, along with sending a signal to the committee to take this issue into consideration as well.

Mr. Jurin Laksanawisit, list of MPs The former leader of the Democrat Party commented on the amnesty of Section 112 that the House of Representatives has now set up a special committee to consider amnesty for reconciliation. At the same time, some political parties have proposed an amnesty act for consideration by the House of Representatives. This is a matter that must be carefully considered. By amnesty this can be done. Even in the past, there have been amnesties.

But the important point is If there will be an amnesty in the future What types of offenses should be covered? That’s the key right there. The amnesty must not include corruption cases and Section 112, including serious criminal cases. Because in the future people will not be afraid of
the law. and becomes a promotion of wrongdoing in such manner and will lead to the expansion of conflict and division rather than creating reconciliation. Especially when there was a disturbance in the royal procession. This further reinforces that it is not appropriate to grant amnesty for offenses under Section 112, which I would like to propose to the House committee for consideration

Source: Thai News Agency